TOC, TN, and sedimentary d15N and d13C ratios of sediment core SO201-2-85

Autoria(s): Riethdorf, Jan-Rainer; Thibodeau, Benoit; Ikehara, Minoru; Nürnberg, Dirk; Max, Lars; Tiedemann, Ralf; Yokoyama, Yusuke

LATITUDE: 57.505000 * LONGITUDE: 170.413167 * DATE/TIME START: 2009-09-21T08:05:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2009-09-21T08:49:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.165 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 18.115 m




We present high-resolution records of sedimentary nitrogen (d15Nbulk) and carbon isotope ratios (d13Cbulk) from piston core SO201-2-85KL located in the western Bering Sea. The records reflect changes in surface nitrate utilization and terrestrial organic matter contribution in submillennial resolution that span the last 180 kyr. The d15Nbulk record is characterized by a minimum during the penultimate interglacial indicating low nitrate utilization (~62-80%) despite the relatively high export production inferred from opal concentrations along with a significant reduction in the terrestrial organic matter fraction (mterr). This suggests that the consumption of the nitrate pool at our site was incomplete and even more reduced than today (~84%). d15Nbulk increases from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.4 and culminates during the Last Glacial Maximum, which indicates that nitrate utilization in the Bering Sea was raised during cold intervals (MIS 5.4, 5.2, 4) and almost complete during MIS 3 and 2 (~93-100%). This is in agreement with previous hypotheses suggesting that stronger glacial stratification reduced the nutrient supply from the subeuphotic zone, thereby increasing the iron-to-nutrient ratio and therefore the nitrate utilization in the mixed surface layer. Large variations in d15Nbulk were also recorded from 180 to 130 ka BP (MIS 6), indicating a potential link to insolation and sea-level forcing and its related feedbacks. Millennial-scale oscillations were observed in d15Nbulk and d13Cbulk that might be related to Greenland interstadials.


text/tab-separated-values, 1427 data points








Max, Lars; Riethdorf, Jan-Rainer; Tiedemann, Ralf; Smirnova, Maria; Lembke-Jene, Lester; Fahl, Kirsten; Nürnberg, Dirk; Matul, Alexander G; Mollenhauer, Gesine (2012): Sea surface temperature variability and sea-ice extent in the subarctic northwest Pacific during the past 15,000 years. Paleoceanography, 27(3), PA3213, doi:10.1029/2012PA002292

Riethdorf, Jan-Rainer; Max, Lars; Nürnberg, Dirk; Lembke-Jene, Lester; Tiedemann, Ralf (2013): Deglacial development of (sub) sea surface temperature and salinity in the subarctic northwest Pacific: Implications for upper-ocean stratification. Paleoceanography, 28(1), 91-104, doi:10.1002/palo.20014

Riethdorf, Jan-Rainer; Nürnberg, Dirk; Max, Lars; Tiedemann, Ralf; Gorbarenko, Sergey A; Malakhov, Mikhail I (2013): Millennial-scale variability of marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply in the western Bering Sea over the past 180 kyr. Climate of the Past, 9(3), 1345-1373, doi:10.5194/cp-9-1345-2013


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Riethdorf, Jan-Rainer; Thibodeau, Benoit; Ikehara, Minoru; Nürnberg, Dirk; Max, Lars; Tiedemann, Ralf; Yokoyama, Yusuke (2016): Surface nitrate utilization in the Bering sea since 180kA BP: Insight from sedimentary nitrogen isotopes. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 125-126, 163-176, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.03.007

Palavras-Chave #AGE; Carbon, organic, total; Comment; delta 13C, organic matter; delta 15N, organic matter; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Element analyser isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS); KALMAR II; Nitrogen, total; PC; Piston corer; Shirshov Ridge; SO201/2; SO201-2-85; Sonne
