Radionuclide analyses, and sedimentation and accumulation rates of sediment core PS2319-1

Autoria(s): Francois, Roger; Frank, Martin; Rutgers van der Loeff, Michiel M; Bacon, Michael P

LATITUDE: -59.788330 * LONGITUDE: -42.683330 * DATE/TIME START: 1992-09-13T18:24:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1992-09-13T18:24:00




There is increasing evidence indicating that syndepositional redistribution of sediment on the seafloor by bottom currents is common and can significantly affect sediment mass accumulation rates. Notwithstanding its common incidence, this process (generally referred to as sediment focusing) is often difficult to recognize. If redistribution is near synchronous to deposition, the stratigraphy of the sediment is not disturbed and sediment focusing can easily be overlooked. Ignoring it, however, can lead to serious misinterpretations of sedimentary fluxes, particularly when past changes in export flux from the overlying water are inferred. In many instances, this problem can be resolved, at least for sediments deposited during the late Quaternary, by normalizing to the flux of 230Th scavenged from seawater, which is nearly constant and equivalent to the known rate of production of 230Th from the decay of dissolved 234U. We review the principle, advantages and limitations of this method. Notwithstanding its limitations, it is clear that 230Th normalization does provide a means of achieving more accurate interpretations of sedimentary fluxes and eliminates the risk of serious misinterpretations of sediment mass accumulation rates.


application/zip, 2 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Francois, Roger; Frank, Martin; Rutgers van der Loeff, Michiel M; Bacon, Michael P (2004): 230Th-normalization: an essential tool for interpreting sedimentary fluxes during the late Quaternary. Paleoceanography, 19, PA1018, doi:10.1029/2003PA000939

Palavras-Chave #230Th xs; 230Th xs,0; 230Th xs,0 std dev; 230Th xs std dev; 232Th; 232Th std dev; 234U; 234U std dev; 238U; 238U aut; 238U aut std dev; 238U std dev; Accumulation rate, sediment, mean; Age; AGE; Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age max; Age min; ANT-X/5; DBD; Density, dry bulk; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Focus fac; Focusing factor; Gravity corer (Kiel type); MAR; Polarstern; PS22/817; PS22 06AQANTX_5; PS2319-1; Rain rate; Rain rate std dev; Scotia Sea; Sedimentation rate; Sed rate; SL; Thorium 230 excess; Thorium 230 excess, decay-corrected; Thorium 230 excess, decay-corrected, standard deviation; Thorium 230 excess, standard deviation; Thorium 232; Thorium 232, standard deviation; Uranium 234; Uranium 234, standard deviation; Uranium 238; Uranium 238, authigenic; Uranium 238, authigenic, standard deviation; Uranium 238, standard deviation; Vertical rain rate; Vertical rain rate, standard deviation
