(Table 2) Position, sampling season, tributary, water depth, TOC content, nC29-31 concentration, ACL, CPI, d13C nC29-31, dD nC29-31 and Al/Si ratio of river bed samples collected in the Amazon Basin
Häggi, Christoph; Sawakuchi, André O; Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur; Mulitza, Stefan; Mollenhauer, Gesine; Sawakuchi, Henrique O; Baker, Paul A; Zabel, Matthias; Schefuß, Enno (2016): Origin, transport and deposition of leaf-wax biomarkers in the Amazon Basin and the adjacent Atlantic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 192, 149-165, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.07.002