Raman amplification and performance altering effects

Autoria(s): Ellingham, Tim John



This thesis presents an experimental investigation into several applications of the Raman scattering effect in communication optical fibres as well as how some of these applications can be modified to enhance the resulting performance. The majority of the work contained within is based on laboratory results using many commercially available components. The results can be divided into and presented in three main parts: Firstly, a novel application of a known effect is used to broaden Raman pump light in order to achieve a more continuous distribution of gain with respect to wavelength. Multiple experimental results are presented, all based around the prior spreading of the pump spectrum before being used in the desired transmission fibre. Gathered results show that a notable improvement can be obtained from applying such a technique along with the scope for further optimisation work. Secondly, an investigation into the interaction between the well known effect of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) and Raman scattering is provided. The work provides an introduction to the effect as well commenting on previous literature regarding the effect and its mitigation. In response to existing research experimental results are provided detailing some limitations of proposed schemes along with concepts of how further alleviation from the deleterious effects maybe obtained. Lastly, the distributed nature of the Raman gain process is explored. A novel technique on how a near constant distribution of gain can be employed is implemented practically. The application of distributed gain is then applied to the generation of optical pulses with special mathematical properties within a laboratory setting and finally the effect of pump noise upon distributed gain techniques is acknowledged.





Ellingham, Tim John (2006). Raman amplification and performance altering effects. PhD thesis, Aston University.




