The impact of organizational culture and reshaping capabilities on change implementation success: The mediating role of readiness for change

Autoria(s): Jones, R. A.; Jimmieson, N. L.; Griffiths, A.

M. Wright

S. W. Floyd

T. Clark




It was hypothesized that employees' perceptions of an organizational culture strong in human relations values and open systems values would be associated with heightened levels of readiness for change which, in turn, would be predictive of change implementation success. Similarly, it was predicted that reshaping capabilities would lead to change implementation success, via its effects on employees' perceptions of readiness for change. Using a temporal research design, these propositions were tested for 67 employees working in a state government department who were about to undergo the implementation of a new end-user computing system in their workplace. Change implementation success was operationalized as user satisfaction and system usage. There was evidence to suggest that employees who perceived strong human relations values in their division at Time 1 reported higher levels of readiness for change at pre-implementation which, in turn, predicted system usage at Time 2. In addition, readiness for change mediated the relationship between reshaping capabilities and system usage. Analyses also revealed that pre-implementation levels of readiness for change exerted a positive main effect on employees' satisfaction with the system's accuracy, user friendliness, and formatting functions at post-implementation. These findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical contribution to the readiness for change literature, and in relation to the practical importance of developing positive change attitudes among employees if change initiatives are to be successful.





Blackwell Publishing

Palavras-Chave #Business #Management #Competing Values #Information-systems #Model #Firm #Consequences #Technologies #Satisfaction #Resistance #Workplace #C1 #380108 Industrial and Organisational Psychology #780108 Behavioural and cognitive sciences

Journal Article