Radio leaks: Presenting and contesting leaks in radio news broadcasts

Autoria(s): Jaworski, A.; Fitzgerald, R. D.; Morris, D.

B. Zelizer

H. Tumber

M. Bromley




his paper analyzes the discursive construction and contestation of ‘leaked’ stories in news broadcast programmes. Drawing on a sample of BBC Radio 4 news programmes recorded between May and June 2000, we analyze four items of news presented as leaks about upcoming events. We suggest that these examples highlight the leaking of information as a valuable newsworthy commodity in that it not only allows news organizations to report what is going to be news before it happens but also enables speculative discourse as to the meaning of the event yet to happen. However, in order for a story to be accepted as a leak it must be seen to fulfil a number of criteria. With this in mind, we identify four features accompanying the introduction of the news items as leaks in the process of authentification: secrecy, authorship/ownership and future orientation. The article then discusses how these features are used when contesting the status of a news story as a leak, and how temporal play contributes to downgrading the content of the leak and, hence, its relevance, immediacy and newsworthiness.





Sage Publications Ltd

Palavras-Chave #discourse #leaks #radio news broadcasts #temporality #C1 #380203 Discourse and Pragmatics #751004 The media

Journal Article