The HIPASS catalogue - I. Data presentation

Autoria(s): Meyer, M. J.; Zwaan, M. A.; Webster, R. L.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Ryan-Weber, E.; Drinkwater, M. J.; Barnes, D. G.; Howlett, M.; Kilborn, V. A.; Stevens, J.; Waugh, M.; Pierce, M. J.; Bhathal, R.; de Blok, W. J. G.; Disney, M. J.; Ekers, R. D.; Freeman, K. C.; Garcia, D. A.; Gibson, B. K.; Harnett, J.; Henning, P. A.; Jerjen, H.; Kesteven, M. J.; Knezek, P. M.; Koribalski, B. S.; Mader, S.; Marquarding, M.; Minchin, R. F.; O'Brien, J.; Oosterloo, T.; Price, R. M.; Putman, M. E.; Ryder, S. D.; Sadler, E. M.; Stewart, I. M.; Stootman, F.; Wright, A. E.

A. C. Fabian




The H I Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) catalogue forms the largest uniform catalogue of H I sources compiled to date, with 4315 sources identified purely by their H I content. The catalogue data comprise the southern region delta < + 2&DEG; of HIPASS, the first blind H I survey to cover the entire southern sky. The rms noise for this survey is 13 mJy beam(-1) and the velocity range is -1280 to 12 700 km s(-1). Data search, verification and parametrization methods are discussed along with a description of measured quantities. Full catalogue data are made available to the astronomical community including positions, velocities, velocity widths, integrated fluxes and peak flux densities. Also available are on-sky moment maps, position-velocity moment maps and spectra of catalogue sources. A number of local large-scale features are observed in the space distribution of sources, including the super-Galactic plane and the Local Void. Notably, large-scale structure is seen at low Galactic latitudes, a region normally obscured at optical wavelengths.





Oxford University Press

Palavras-Chave #Astronomy & Astrophysics #Methods #Catalogues #Surveys #Radio Lines #All-sky-survey #Neutral Hydrogen #Mass Function #Deep Survey #Milky-way #Hi Survey #Galaxies #Sample #Redshift #Region #Methods : Observational #Radio Lines : Galaxies

Journal Article