Added title page title, bind -18, and at head of title, bind 19-28: Journal de botanique publié par La Société botanique de Copenhague.
Description based on: 2. række, 1. binds, 1 hæfte.
Title from cover.
Og Festskrift udgivet af den Botaniske forening ...
Meddelelser fra den Botaniske forening i Köbenhaven
Porsild, M. P. Inholdsfortegnelse til Botanisk tijdsskrift ...
ASTIS current awareness bulletin
ASTIS bibliography
Excerpta medica
Bibliography of agriculture
Vol. [5-8] called 2. række; v. [9-11] called 3. række, v. 1-3.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. 1-25, 1866-1903, in v. 25; Vols. 26-50, 1904-54, in v. 50.
Merged with: Friesia, Norwegian journal of botany, and: Botaniska notiser, to form: Nordic journal of botany.