Wildlife and America : contributions to an understanding of American wildlife and its conservation /

Autoria(s): Brokaw, Howard P.; United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.; United States. Forest Service.; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.; Council on Environmental Quality (U.S.)



Cosponsored by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Includes bibliographies and index.

Who owns American wildlife? / Russell E. Train -- Federal wildlife law / Michael J. Bean -- The state-federal partnership in wildlife conservation / John S. Gottschalk -- Federal initiatives in wildlife management / John D. Dingell and Frank M. Potter -- Political requirements for preserving our common heritage / Garrett Hardin -- Marine mammals and man / Kenneth S. Norris -- Maintenance of wildlife populations / Daniel A. Poole and James B. Trefethen -- Wildlife law enforcement / Clark R. Bavin -- Threatened and endangered species / S. Dillon Ripley and Thomas E. Lovejoy -- Predator and pest control / Stanley A. Cain -- The national wildlife refuge system / Lynn A. Greenwalt -- Habitat preservation by private organizations / Robert E. Jenkins -- Wildlife on the public lands / Gustav A. Swanson -- Reforming private land use practices / Joel Kuperberg -- Funding wildlife conservation programs / Laurence R. John and James B. Trefethen -- Environmental education and wildlife conservation / Clarence A. Schoenfeld -- Wildlife training and research / John A. Kadlec -- The role of private organizations / Elvis J. Stahr and Charles H. Callison -- Epilogue / Howard P. Brokaw.

Preface / Gerard A. Bertrand and Lee M. Talbot -- Foreword / Russell W. Peterson -- Introduction / Howard P. Brokaw -- The richness of American wildlife / Thomas L. Kimball and Raymond E. Johnson -- Wildlife and ecosystems / Raymond F. Dasmann -- The enjoyment of wildlife / Durward L. Allen -- Hunting and trapping in the new world / George Reiger -- Recreational fishing / Richard H. Stroud -- Commercial fishing / Dayton L. Alverson -- Agriculture and wildlife / George V. Burger -- Wildlife and forest practice / A. Starker Leopold -- Livestock grazing and the livestock industry / Frederic H. Wagner -- The modification of inland waters / John Cairns -- Man on the seashore / Joel W. Hedgpeth -- The pressures of urbanization and technology / Forest Stearns and John E. Ross -- Pesticides and other toxicants / Robert W. Risebrough -- The introduction of exotic organisms / Walter R. Courtenay -- The wildlife trade / F. Wayne King --

Mode of access: Internet.














[Washington] : Council on Environmental Quality : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,


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Palavras-Chave #Wildlife management #Wildlife conservation
