Annual statements of the railroad and canal companies of the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey.
Comptroller of the Treasury.
Vols. for 1867-1915 include report of the state director of the United New Jersey Railroad and Canal Company issued through 1878 under its earlier names: 1867-71, Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Companies (which continues the reports of the State Directors); 1873-78, United Rail Road and Canal Company of New Jersey.
Transmitted to the Secretary of State, 1853-59; to the Legislature, 1860-66; to the Comptroller of the Treasury, 1867-1915.
Title varies slightly.
Vols. for 1867-1915 include report of the state director of the United New Jersey Railroad and Canal Company issued through 1878 under its earlier names: 1867-71, Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Companies (which continues the reports of the State Directors); 1873-78, United Rail Road and Canal Company of New Jersey.
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