Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Royal Astronomical Society.
Published <1980-2007>: Oxford : Blackwell, for the Society; <2010-2011>: Wiley-Blackwell for the Society.
Includes reports of the society's proceedings.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. 1 (1827/30)-29 (1868/69). (Includes index to earlier title.) 1 v.; v. 30 (1869/70)-52 (1891/92). 1 v.; v. 53 (1892/93)-70 (1909/10). 1 v.; v. 71 (1910/11)-91 (1930/31), 1 v.
Vols. for 1858/59-1866/67 also published with v. 28-36 of the Memoirs.
Vols. for 1847/48-1874/75 are called half-volumes, being considered supplementary to the society's Memoirs for the same period.
Geophysical supplements to the monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Monthly notices of the Astronomical Society of London
Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society
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