Latest issue consulted: Apr. 3, 1997.
Description based on: Jan. 1979; title from caption.
Not distributed to depository libraries in a physical form, 1998-
Some issues distributed to depository libraries in microfiche, <1986>-1997.
"Da 2-6."
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. for Apr. 1972-Dec. 1977 issued by: Crop Reporting Board, Statistical Reporting Service; <1978>-Oct. 1, 1980 by: Crop Reporting Board, Economics, Statistics, & Cooperatives Service; Oct. 31, 1980-June 23, 1981 by: Crop Reporting Board, Economics and Statistics Service; July 13, 1981-198 by: Crop Reporting Board, Statistical Reporting Service; <Aug. 1986- > by: Agricultural Statistics Board, National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Formed by the union of: United States. Crop Reporting Board. Evaporated, condensed, and dry milk; United States. Crop Reporting Board. Milk prices paid by creameries and cheese plants; United States. Crop Reporting Board. Production of cottage cheese; United States. Crop Reporting Board. Production of creamery butter and cheese; and United States. Crop Reporting Board. Production of ice cream and related frozen products.