Some no. include reports compiled from information furnished by State Foresters (and others).
Latest issue consulted: Vol. 51, no. 1 (Aug. 2005).
Description based on: Vol. 30, no. 1 (winter 1979).
Beginning with winter 1983, publication for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.G.P.O.
Title varies slightly.
None published 2001-2002, 2004.
Some v. issued in combined form.
No. 1 (Nov. 1950)-80 (Dec. 1966) have no vol. numbering but constitute v. 1-17.
Some no. include reports compiled from information furnished by State Foresters (and others).
Mode of access: Internet.
Issued by: State and Private Forestry, Forest Service, <1996->
Beginning with 1969 the Report on forest and wind barrier planting and seeding in the U.S. has been issued as a separate publication with title: Forest and windbarrier planting and seeding in the United States.