Financial pamphlets

Autoria(s): Desconhecido

A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on finance.

American bankers' association. Southern and western members of the executive council. Proceedings of the Southern and Western members of the Executive council of the American bankers' association, at St. Louis, Mo., January 8th, 9th and lOth, 1878 ... 1878. -- Barber, G. G. Old age pensions ... [n.d.] -- Brooks, F. A. Political and financial errors of our recent menetary legislation ... 1891. -- Carlisle, J. G. Sound currency. Speeches ... [n.p.] -- Carlisle, J. G. Speech of the Hon. John G. Carlisle ...delivered at a dinner of the Massachusetts reform club at Boston, October 12, 1895 ... [n.d.] -- Carlisle, J. G. Speeches ... at Covington, Ky., May 20, 1895 ... [n. p.] -- Currency reserve board, Shanghai. The new menetary policy of China ... 1936. -- Gary, M. W. Address of Hon. M. W. Gary ... delivered in the Senate of South Carolina ... 1877. -- Herbert, H. A. Speech of Hon. H. A. Herbert, at the Opera House, Huntsville, Alabama ... 1895. -- J. P. Morgan & co. Letter from Messrs. J. P. Morgan & co. in response to the invitation of the Sub-committee ... [n. p.] -- Laughlin, J. L. Banking control. An address delivered before the Trans-Mississippi commercial congress, Kansas city ... n. d. -- Laughlin, J. L. Banking refrom and the national reserve association. An address delivered before the ways and means committee Chicago Association of commerce ... n.d. -- Laughlin, J. L. Suggestions for banking reform ... [n.d.] -- Legueu, F. F. The question of gold in France ... [1934?] -- MacVeagh, F. Banking and currency reform. An address delivered before the Western Economic society ... [n. d.] -- The National citizens' league for the promotion of a sound banking system. ... Constitution and by-laws ... [n. d.] -- The National citizens' league for the promotion of a sound banking system. ... The origin of the league ... [n.d.] -- The National citizens' league for the promotion of a sound banking system. ... Principles and methods of banking reform ... [n.d.] -- Ravenscroft, D. W. Money and currency. Some definitions and some deductions ... 1911. -- Robinson, H. A simple explanation of modern banking customs ... 1909. -- Rosenberger, J. L. Bank officers ... 1914. -- Rovensky, J. E. Gold ... 1917. -- Taylor, R. S. The silver question. An address ... [1896] -- Teixeira de Mattos, M. A central issue bank of the United States and elastic currency ... 1909. -- Watanabe, M. The financial history of Japan ... [1909]

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