European War pamphlets

Autoria(s): Desconhecido

A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on World War I.

Blair, R. B. The world remapped ... cl921. -- British and German ideals, the meaning of the war ... [1915?] -- The Bulgarian peace treaty ... [1920] -- An Englishman's call to arms ... 1914. -- Gibbs, Sir P. B. The Germans on the Somme ... 1917. -- Headlan-Morley, Sir J. W. England, Germany and Europe ... 1914. -- Honnold, W. L. The commission for relief in Belgium ... [1917?] -- Judge, M. H. The men behind the war ... 1914. -- Judge, M. H. The war and the neutral powers ... 1914. -- Lapradelle, A. G. Les troupes de couleur a la guerre ... [n.d.] -- Martineau, J. Right of war: a sermon ... 1914. -- Muir, R. Mare liberum ... 1917. -- National Civil Liberties Bureau. War-timeprosecutions and mob violence ... [1918] -- New York Tribune. How long wil1 it last? ... 1916. -- Passelecq, F. The "Sincere chancellor" ... 1917. -- Passelecq, F. A reply to "scaremongerings" and an open letter to Lord Northcliffe ... [1915] -- Shingarev, A. I. Russia and her allies ... [n.d.] -- Talbot, E.S. ... The war and conscience ... 1914. -- What is Great Britain doing? ... [1916?] -- WHY the war must go on ... 1917. --Wilamowita-Moellendorff, U. von. Zwei reden: Krieges anfang ... 1914. -- Wilson, H. W. Convicted out of her own mouth ... [1917?]

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