Select tales. Being a compilation of singular, interesting, remarkable and authentic narratives, ancient and modern. Selected principally from the most esteemed and popular literary works, European and American, the greater part of which have never before been offered to the public in book form.

Autoria(s): Charlottesville, Published by J. Martin, printed by Watson & Tompkins,



14th. A remarkable vision of Charles the eleventh of Sweden.--15th. An awful and authentic narrative of the monster Benito de Soto, the pirate of the Morning Star.--16th. The first and last sacrifice.--17th. The tiger's cave; or, The melancholy and tragical fate of Captains Wharton and Lincoln.--18th. The first and last love.--19th. The Scottish landlady, and her lodgers ... by Mr. Galt.--20th. Traditionary anecdotes of the Countess of Stair.--21st. First and last love.--Agnes Fitzroy.--22nd. The death of Alice Bland ... by the author of the Tales of a pilgrim--23d. Herby and his twelve wives.--24th. The murder hole.--25th. A remarkable trial of murders.

1st. The first and last kiss.--2d. Esther Wharncliff ... by the Rev. George Croley.--3d. The wife of seven husbands.--4th. The boat on the ocean.--5th. The murderer's last night.--6th. Judicial recollections; or, The trial, sentence and premature death of Rebecca Harmon.--7th. Mitchell's singular narrative -- of misfortunes and adventures, encountered in the abduction of his wife and child, by a peculiar race of Orang-Outang.--8th. The first and last crime; or, The confession and tragical end of James Morely, the murderer.--9th. The merchant's clerk.--10th. The cavern of death.--11th. The thunder-struck.--12th. Job Oxleigh.--13th. The red man of the Red Sea ... by a modern Pythagorean.

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Charlottesville, Published by J. Martin, printed by Watson & Tompkins,


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Palavras-Chave #American fiction. #English fiction.
