Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of judicature, and in the Court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors of the state of New York [1828-1841] /
New York (State).
Supreme Court.; Wendell, John L.
(John Lansing),
reporter.; New York (State).
Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors.
Vol. 25 has imprint: Albany, Printed by C. Van Benthuysen; v. 26 has imprint: Albany, From the steam press of C. Van Benthuysen & co.
Vols. 9-26 have title: Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of judicature and in the Court for the correction of errors of the state of New York.
Albany : Gould, Banks & Co.; New York, Gould & Blanks,
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