Archives diplomatiques : recueil de diplomatie et d'histoire.
Ministère des affaires étrangères.
Subtitle varies.
Includes section "Bibliographie."
None published, July-Dec. 1870; in 1871-1872 and 1876-1883 the issues for each two year period were combined, giving 4 vols. for two years in place of 4 v. annually; in 1901-1902, 8 vols. for the two years instead of 4 vols.; although subtitle says "receuil mensuel" starting 1879, issues evidently were published quarterly.
Issues for 1861-1914 called also: 1.-54. année.
First series, t. 1-62, published 1861-1879; 2. sér., t. 1-76, published 1880-1900; 3. sér., t. 77-129, published 1901-1913; 4. sér., t. 130-131, published 1914.
Issued also on microfilm by the Library of Congress, and in microfiche and microcard formats by Microcard Editions.
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