Bibliothèque des théatres, composée de plus de 530 tragédies, comédies, drames, comédies-lyriques, comédies-ballets, pastorales, opéras-comiques, pièces à vaudevilles, divertissemens, parodies, tragicomédies, parodes, tant anciennes que nouvelles ... On a joint les anecdotes ... les noms de tous les auteurs, poëtes ou musiciens, qui ont travaillé pour tous nos théâtres, des acteurs ou actrices célèbres ... avec un jugement de leurs ouvrages & de leurs talens. [1.-2. sér.] ...
A Paris, Chez la veuve Duchesne,
Frontispieces detached from individual plays prefixed to some volumes as frontispieces; contents of each volume given on verso of its half-title; labels cover titles of 6 plays omitted from collection.
525 pieces published separately with varying imprints dated 1694-1784, or without imprints, collected to form two series, one 17 cm., and the other 20 cm., each arranged alphabetically (with a few irregularities) by title; collective t.-p. and half-title prefixed to each volume (title of series 2 varies slightly);
Mode of access: Internet.
The material mentioned in second part of title (anecdotes, etc.) is not included in Univ. of Mich. set.
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