Imprint varies: 1889-1901 (v. 1-3) Hannover, L. Lemmermann.--1903-04 (v. 4) Hannover, Gebrüder Jänecke.--1908-10 (v. 5-6) Hannover, M. Jänecke.--1913 (v. 7) Leipzig, Geschäftsstelle von Georgs Schlag-wort-katalog (F. Volckmar)
Vols. 6-7 (1908/10-1910/12): "Mit alphabetischem Autorenregister" (with special t.-p.)
Vols. 1-2 have subtitle abbreviated.
Issued in parts.
I. Bd. 1883-87, bearb. von C. Georg u. L. Ost. 1889.--II. Bd. 1888-92, bearb. von C. Georg. 1893-98.--III. Bd. 1893-97. 1900-01. 2 v.--IV. Bd. 1898-1902. 1903-04. 2 v.-- V. Bd. 1903-07. 1908-09. 2 v.--VI. Bd. 1908-10, 1. Semester. 1910. 2 v.-- VII. Bd. 1. Juli 1910-31. Dez. 1912. 1913. 2 v.
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