Thompson: "1857 reappeared as The Rose of sharon for all seasons, Boston, Tompkins, 1858...Longest lived of American literary annuals. Best known contributors are J.G. Adams, Henry Bacon, Alice and Phoebe Cary, Margaret Fuller (1846), Horace Greeley, and TB. Read...Oliver Pelton engraved most of the plates..."
Last word of subtitle spelled "souvenier" in 1852, 1853, 1854 and 1855.
Description based on 1848.
Editor: <1840-1849> Sarah C. Edgarton; <1850-1857> by Mrs. C.M. Sawyer.
Wolf, E. Embossed bindings,
Thompson, R. Annuals
Mode of access: Internet.
SPEC: Variant color (red, black, brown) embossed bindings; central gilt flower illustration on both covers; gilt spine title and illustrations; gilt edges.