English writers: an attempt towards a history of English literature,
Morley, Henry,
1822-1894.; Griffin, William Hall.
Vol. 11 was completed after Morley's death by W. Hall Griffin.
Bibliography: v. 11, p. [335]-460.
I. Introduction. Origins. Old Celtic literature. Beowulf. 2d ed. 1887.--II. From Cædmon to the conquest. 1888.--III. From the conquest to Chaucer. 2d ed. ed. 1889.--IV-V. The fourteenth century. 1889-90.--VI. From Chaucer to Caxton. 1890.--VII. From Caxton to Coverdale. 1891.--VIII. From Surrey to Spenser. 1892.--IX. Spenser and his time. 1892.--X. Shakespeare and his time: under Elizabeth. 1893.--XI. Shakespeare and his time: under James. 1895.
London, Paris, New York, Melbourne : Cassell & Company, limited,
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