MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures (Complete edition)
Historical abstracts. Part B. Twentieth century abstracts
Historical abstracts. Part A. Modern history abstracts
America, history and life
Some issues published in 2 parts, at times carrying a distinctive title.
Publication suspended 1972-1981, 1991-1994.
Vols. for 1931-1932 called ser. 3, año 1-2; ser. 3, no. 45-160 called also ser. 4.
<1862>-1930 issued in two sections: 1. Mémorias, científicas y literarias; 2. Boletín de instrucción pública. Beginning with t. 150 (1922), the first section is called: Artículos científicos i literarios.
Supplements accompany some issues.
Includes supplementary issue "para conmemorar el cuarto centenario del desucbrimiento de América , 12 de octubre de 1892".
Mode of access: Internet.
1843/1844-1855, 1 v.; 1843/1844-1887, 1 v; 1888-1899, in v. 107 (1900); 1843/1844-1950, 1 v.