Subtitle varies slightly (1818-30, Flora; oder, botanische Zeitung).
Suspended between Sept. 1944 and May 25, 1952.
Vols. 26-75, 1843-92, also called Neue Reihe, 1.-50. Jahrg.; v. 101-138, 1910-44 also called Neue Folge 1.-38. Bd.
Vols. 3-28, 33, 47-56 include supplements, separately paged.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. 1-71, 1818-88 issued by K. Bayerische botanische Gesellschaft in Regensburg.
Superseded by Flora; oder, Allgemeine botanische Zeitung. Abt. A. Physiologie und Biochemie, and Flora; oder, Allgemeine botanische Zeitung. Abt. B. Morphologie und Geobotanik.
Microfiche copy: Microfiche. Leiden, The Netherlands, Inter Documentation Co. microfiches. 9 x 12 cm.