Resumo |
Description based on: 9e. sér., 81. annee, t. 1 (1911).
Subtitle varies.
"Lois, décrets, arrêtés et autres actes concernant l'administration et le personnel des ponts et chaussées et documents administratifs concernant les pays betrangers."
Volume numbers irregular: ser. 8-11, 1909-21, called also "année" 71-91; ser. 11, v. 11, 1921, called also ser. 11, v. 1; "année" 93, 1923, numbered also ser. 12, v. 12.
Ser. 1-8 comprise 10 v. each.
Mode of access: Internet.
Imprint varies: 1831-1900, Vve C. Dunod; 1901-Apr. 1908, E. Bernard.
Each of the following indexes is issued with the index to the corresponding series of the Annales des ponts et chaussées, 1re partie, partie technique. Ser. 1, 1831-1840; Ser. 2, 1841-1850; Ser. 3, 1851-1860; Ser. 4, v. 1-5, 1861-1865; Ser. 4, v. 6-10, 1866-1870; Ser. 5 v. 1-5; 1871-1875; Ser. 5, v. 6-10, 1876-1880; Ser. 6, 1881-1890; Ser. 7, 1891-1900.
Direitos |
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