Imprint varies: Washington, D.C., 1937-19<54>; Hyattsville, Md., <1983>-1993.
Issued in 2 vols.: Vol. 1. Natality; v. 2. Mortality.
Supplement for 1955, published 1965, issued by the National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics.
Mode of access: Internet.
Vols. for 1937-1944 issued by: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Vital Statistics Division; 1945-1959 by: National Office of Vital Statistics; 1959-1962 by: National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Division; 1963-1993 by: National Center for Health Statistics, Division of VitalStatistics.
Continued by the CD-ROM and online versions.
Continues in part: United States. Bureau of the Census. Birth, stillbirth, and infant mortality statistics for the continental United States, the territory of Hawaii, the Virgin Islands; and: Mortality statistics.
Section 6, Lifetables issued separately in: Vital statistics of the United States, volume 2, section 5; and: Vital statistics of the United States, volume 2, section 6.