This book is a pre-publication prospectus of the Weimar Edition of Luther's Works. It contains a table of contents as well as the anticipated publication date for each forthcoming volume. As they are printed, each volume of Luther's works will be divided into four "series": I: Werke; II: Tischreden; III: Deutsche Bibel; IV: Briefe.
Bd. 71-73: Deutsches Sachregister zur Abt. 1, Bd. 1-60.
Bd. 64- : Lateinisches Sachregister to Abt. 1, Bd. 1-60.
Popularly known as the Weimar ed. of Luther's works.
Supplementary volumes with special title Revisionsnachtrag accompany some individual volumes.
Includes bibliographical references.
[1. Abt. Schriften] -- [2. Abt.] Tischreden -- [3. Abt.] Die deutsche Bibel -- [4. Abt.] Briefwechsel.
This book is a pre-publication prospectus of the Weimar Edition of Luther's Works. It contains a table of contents as well as the anticipated publication date for each forthcoming volume. As they are printed, each volume of Luther's works will be divided into four "series": I: Werke; II: Tischreden; III: Deutsche Bibel; IV: Briefe.
Mode of access: Internet.