Ice-rafted debris in surface sediments of the Nordic Seas

Autoria(s): Pirrung, Michael; Fütterer, Dieter K; Grobe, Hannes; Matthiessen, Jens; Niessen, Frank

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 77.212971 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 33.976023 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 65.519500 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -27.763300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 88.780800 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 159.167000 * DATE/TIME START: 1986-07-04T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2000-08-03T01:18:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 299 data points









Pirrung, Michael; Fütterer, Dieter K; Grobe, Hannes; Matthiessen, Jens; Niessen, Frank (2002): Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris in surface sediments of the Nordic Seas: implications for isotope stage 3 oscillations. Geo-Marine Letters, 22(1), 1-11, doi:10.1007/s00367-002-0090-1


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Amundsen Basin; Arctic Ocean; ARK-IX/4; ARK-V/3b; ARK-VII/1; ARK-VII/3b; ARK-VIII/2; ARK-VIII/3; ARK-X/2; ARK-XI/1; ARK-XIII/2; ARK-XIII/3; ARK-XVI/2; Atlantic Ocean; AWI_Paleo; Barents Sea; Denmark Strait; DEPTH, sediment/rock; East Greenland continental slope; East Greenland Sea; East Siberian Sea; Elevation of event; Estimated; Event label; Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean; Giant box corer; GIK17722-3; GIK17726-1; GIK17732-2; GIK17734-2; GIK17736-1; GIK17737-1; GIK17738-2; GIK17739-1; GIK17740-1; GIK17742-1; GIK17743-1; GIK17746-1; GIK21709-1 PS13/151; GIK21710-1 PS13/156; GIK21713-1 PS13/161; GIK21714-1 PS13/165; GIK21715-2 PS13/166; GIK21716-1 PS13/167; GIK21717-1 PS13/169; GIK21725-1 PS13/192; GIK21726-2 PS13/193; GIK21730-1 PS13/224; GIK21731-1 PS13/225; GIK21732-1 PS13/228; GIK21733-1 PS13/240; GIK21735-2 PS13/249; GIK21868-1 PS17/041a; GIK21875-7 PS17/047; GIK21876-1 PS17/048; GIK21877-1 PS17/049; GIK21878-2 PS17/050; GIK21892-1 PS17/067; GIK21893-1 PS17/068; GIK21894-7 PS17/069; GIK21895-9 PS17/070a; GIK21901-1 PS17/076; GIK21902-3 PS17/077; GIK21903-1 PS17/078; GIK21905-1 PS17/080; GIK21908-1 PS17/083; GIK21911-1 PS17/086; GIK21912-7 PS17/087; GIK21913-1 PS17/088; GIK23052-1; GIK23055-2; GIK23058-2; GIK23061-3; GIK23062-3; GIK23063-2; GIK23064-2; GIK23066-2; GIK23067-2; GIK23069-2; GIK23070-2; GIK23071-2; GIK23072-2; GIK23073-3; GIK23074-3; GIK23299-1; GIK23300-2; GIK23306-2; GIK23309-1; GIK23350-4; GIK23423-3; GIK23424-3; GIK23426-4; GIK23428-2; GIK23454-2; GIK23458-3; GKG; Greenland Sea; Greenland Shelf; Greenland Slope; Hochstetter Bugten, East Greenland; Hurry Inlet, East Greenland; Ice rafted debris, general; Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Fjord, East Greenland; Kara Sea; Kempe Fjord, East Greenland; King Oskar Fjord; Kong-Oskar-Fjord, East Greenland; Laptev Sea; Laptev Sea, Taymyr Island; LATITUDE; Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean; LONGITUDE; M13/2; M2/2; M21/4; M7/3; M7/5; Makarov Basin; Meteor (1986); Morris Jesup Rise; Nansen Basin; Norwegian-Greenland Sea; Norwegian Sea; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; Polarstern; PS13 GRÖKORT; PS17; PS17/239; PS17/240; PS17/241; PS17/242; PS17/243; PS17/244; PS17/245; PS17/247; PS17/248; PS17/265; PS17/266; PS17/274; PS17/276; PS17/277; PS17/281; PS17/286; PS17/287; PS17/288; PS17/289; PS17/290; PS1709-1; PS1710-1; PS1713-1; PS1714-1; PS1715-2; PS1716-1; PS1717-1; PS1725-1; PS1726-2; PS1730-1; PS1731-1; PS1732-1; PS1733-1; PS1735-2; PS1868-1; PS1875-7; PS1876-1; PS1877-1; PS1878-2; PS1892-1; PS1893-1; PS1894-7; PS1895-9; PS19/040; PS19/045; PS19/050; PS19/055; PS19/070; PS19/078; PS19/080; PS19/081; PS19/082; PS19/084; PS19/086; PS19/090; PS19/091; PS19/093; PS19/094; PS19/098; PS19/100; PS19/101; PS19/102; PS19/104; PS19/105; PS19/108; PS19/110; PS19/111; PS19/112; PS19/116; PS19/117; PS19/119; PS19/124; PS19/126; PS19/132; PS19/134; PS19/136; PS19/143; PS19/150; PS19/152; PS19/154; PS19/155; PS19/157; PS19/158; PS19/159; PS19/160; PS19/161; PS19/164; PS19/165; PS19/166; PS19/167; PS19/171; PS19/172; PS19/173; PS19/175; PS19/176; PS19/178; PS19/181; PS19/183; PS19/184; PS19/185; PS19/186; PS19/189; PS19/190; PS19/192; PS19/198; PS19/206; PS19/210; PS19/214; PS19/216; PS19/222; PS19/239; PS19/241; PS19/243; PS19/245; PS19/249; PS1901-1; PS1902-3; PS1903-1; PS1905-1; PS1908-1; PS1911-1; PS1912-7; PS1913-1; PS1916-2; PS1917-1; PS1918-2; PS1919-1; PS1920-2; PS1921-1; PS1922-2; PS1923-1; PS1924-2; PS1934-2; PS1935-1; PS1939-1; PS1941-1; PS1942-1; PS1943-1; PS1947-2; PS1948-1; PS1949-2; PS1950-1; PS1951-2; PS19 ARCTIC91; PS19 EPOS II; PS2111-1; PS2113-1; PS2114-1; PS2115-1; PS2116-1; PS2117-1; PS2119-2; PS2120-1; PS2121-1; PS2122-1; PS2123-3; PS2124-1; PS2125-1; PS2125-2; PS2126-1; PS2127-1; PS2128-1; PS2129-2; PS2130-2; PS2131-1; PS2132-3; PS2133-1; PS2134-1; PS2136-3; PS2137-4; PS2138-2; PS2142-3; PS2143-1; PS2144-3; PS2147-3; PS2148-1; PS2149-1; PS2150-1; PS2151-1; PS2153-1; PS2157-4; PS2159-4; PS2161-4; PS2162-1; PS2163-2; PS2164-4; PS2165-3; PS2166-2; PS2167-2; PS2168-1; PS2170-1; PS2171-1; PS2172-1; PS2174-4; PS2175-3; PS2176-4; PS2177-1; PS2178-2; PS2179-1; PS2180-1; PS2182-1; PS2183-1; PS2184-1; PS2185-3; PS2186-1; PS2187-1; PS2189-1; PS2192-1; PS2195-4; PS2196-2; PS2198-1; PS2199-4; PS2202-1; PS2209-1; PS2210-1; PS2211-2; PS2212-5; PS2214-1; PS2452-2; PS2453-2; PS2455-3; PS2456-2; PS2458-3; PS2459-2; PS2460-3; PS2461-2; PS2462-3; PS2464-2; PS2465-3; PS2466-3; PS2468-3; PS2469-3; PS2470-4; PS2472-3; PS2473-3; PS2474-2; PS2475-1; PS2476-3; PS2477-3; PS2478-3; PS2480-2; PS2481-2; PS2613-1; PS2616-7; PS2618-1; PS2619-6; PS2620-1; PS2621-3; PS2622-4; PS2623-1; PS2624-7; PS2625-1; PS2629-2; PS2630-7; PS2631-2; PS2632-7; PS2633-1; PS2634-5; PS2635-5; PS2636-2; PS2637-3; PS2638-6; PS2639-2; PS2640-3; PS2641-5; PS2642-2; PS2644-2; PS2645-5; PS2646-2; PS2647-5; PS2648-3; PS2651-3; PS27; PS27/030; PS27/031; PS27/033; PS27/034; PS27/038; PS27/039; PS27/040; PS27/041; PS27/043; PS27/046; PS27/047; PS27/048; PS27/050; PS27/052; PS27/053; PS27/056; PS27/058; PS27/059; PS27/060; 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PS31/142; PS31/143; PS31/147; PS31/148; PS31/149; PS31/150; PS31/151; PS31/152; PS31/154; PS31/155; PS31/160; PS31/161; PS31/162; PS31/163; PS31/172; PS31/177; PS36; PS36/003; PS36/004; PS36/006; PS36/007; PS36/008; PS36/009; PS36/010; PS36/011; PS36/012; PS36/016; PS36/017; PS36/018; PS36/019; PS36/020; PS36/022; PS36/023; PS36/024; PS36/025; PS36/027; PS36/030; PS36/031; PS36/033; PS36/040a; PS36/042; PS36/044; PS36/045; PS36/047; PS36/048a; PS36/050; PS36/051; PS36/052; PS36/053; PS36/075; PS36/079; PS36/082; PS36/083; PS36/096; PS44; PS44/042; PS44/047; PS44/052; PS44/057; PS44/058; PS44/059; PS44/062; PS44/063; PS44/064; PS44/065; PS44/068; PS44/069; PS44/072A; PS44/074; PS44/076; PS44/077; PS44/079; PS44/082; PS44/084; PS44/085; PS44/087; PS44/088; PS44/089; PS44/090; PS44/091; PS44/092; PS44/093A; PS44/094; PS44/095; PS44/096; PS44/100; PS45; PS45/008; PS45/012; PS45/014; PS45/016; PS45/017; PS45/036; PS45/044; PS45/046; PS45/050; PS45/052; PS45/053; PS45/058; PS57; PS57/153-1; PS57/157-1; PS57/160-1; Scoresby Sund; Sofia Sund, East Greenland; Svalbard; Vesteris Banken; Vilkitsky Strait; W Spitzbergen; Yermak Plateau; Ø Fjord, East Greenland
