Benthic foraminifera of late Quaternary sediments in the northern North Atlantic

Autoria(s): Nees, Stefan

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 69.147929 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -0.880287 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 53.536660 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -20.288330 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 76.846300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 10.943333 * DATE/TIME START: 1986-07-11T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-08-22T00:00:00




Four long sediment cores from locations in the Framstrait, the Norwegian-Greenland Seas and the northern North Atlantic were analysed in a high resolution sampling mode (1 - 2 cm density) for their benthic foraminiferal content. In particular the impact of the intense climatic changes at glacial/interglacial transitions (terminations I and II) on the benthic community have been of special interest. The faunal data were investigated by means of multivariate analysis and represented in their chronological occurence. The most prominent species of benthic foraminifera in the Norwegian-Greenland Seas are Oridorsalis umbonatus, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, the group of Cassidulina, Pyrgo rotalaria, Globocassidulina subglobosa and fragmented tubes of arenaceous species. The climatic signal of termination I as well as termination II is recorded in the fossil foraminiferal tests as divided transition from glacial to interglacial. The elder INDAR maximum (individuals accumulation rate = individuals/sq cm * 1.000 y; Norwegian-Greenland Seas: average 3.000 - 6.000 individuals/sq cm * 1.000 y; northern North Atlantic: average 150 individuals/sq cm * 1.000 y) is followed by a period of decreased values. The second, younger maximum reaches comparable values as the elder maximum. The interglacial INDAR are in average 700 individuals/sq cm * 1.000 y in the Norwegian-Greenland Seas and 200 individuals/sq cm * 1.000 y in average in the northern North Atlantic. The occurence of the elder INDAR maximum shows a distinct chronological transgressivity between the northern North Atlantic (12.400 ybp.) and the Framstrait (8.900 ybp.). The time shift from south to north amounts 3.500 yrs., the average expanding velocity 0,78 km per year. Within the Norwegian-Greenland Seas the average expanding velocity amounts 0,48 km per year. This chronological transgressivity is interpreted as impact of the progressive expanding of the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Current during the deglaciation. The dynamic of the faunal development is defined as increasing INDAR per time. The elder INDAR maximum shows in both glacial/interglacial transitions an exponential increase from south to north. Termination II is characterized by a general higher dynamic as termination I. By means of the high resolution sampling density the impact of regional isotopic recognized melt-water events is recognized by an increase of endobenthic and t-ubiquitous species in the Norwegian-Greenland Seas sediments. During termination I the relative minimum between both INDAR maxima occur chronological with an decrease of calculated sea surface temperatures. This is interpreted as indication of the close pelagic - benthic coupling. The climatic signal in the northern North Atlantic recorded in the fossil benthic foraminiferal community shows a lower amplitude as in the Norwegian-Greenland Seas. The occurence of the epibenthic Cibicidoides wuellersforfi allows to evaluate the variability of the bottom water mass. In general at all core locations increasing lateral bottom currents are recognized with the occurence of the second younger INDAR maximum. In comparison with various paleo-climatological data sets fossil benthic foraminifers show a distinct koherence with changes of the atmospheric temperatures, the SSTs and the postglacial sea level increase. The benthic foraminiferal fauna is bound indirectly on and indicative for regional climatic changes, but principal dependent upon global climatic changes.


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Supplement to: Nees, Stefan (1993): Spätquartäre Benthosforaminiferen des Europäischen Nordmeeres: Veränderungen der Artengesellschaften und Akkumulationsraten bei Klimawechseln. Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 44, 80 pp, doi:10.2312/reports-sfb313.1993.44

Palavras-Chave #A. agglutinans; A. globulosa; Age; AGE; Age, comment; Age interpretation after; Ammobaculites agglutinans; Anomalina globulosa; Arctic Ocean; ARK-VII/1; B. frigida; B. marginata; B. pseudoplicata; B. quadrilatera; B. striata; Bolivina pseudoplicata; Bolivinita quadrilatera; Buccella frigida; Bulimina marginata; Bulimina striata; C. fletscheri; C. lobatulus; C. planorbis; C. reniforme; C. subglobosum; C. wuellerstorfi; Calculated; Cassidulina reniforme; Cassidulina spp.; Cibicides fletscheri; Cibicides lobatulus; Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi; Comm; Counting 125-2000 µm fraction; Cribrostomoides subglobosum; Cyclogyra planorbis; D. baggi; D. cuvieri; D. frobisherensis; D. pauperata; Dentalina baggi; Dentalina cuvieri; Dentalina frobisherensis; Dentalina pauperata; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Dry m; Dry mass; E. bradyi; E. exigua; E. tumidulus; Eggerella bradyi; Elphidium spp.; Epistominella exigua; Eponides tumidulus; F. fusiformis; F. marginata; Fissurina marginata; Foram bent agg; Foraminifera, benthic agglutinated; Fursenkoina fusiformis; G. subglobosa; G. umbonata; GIK21906-2 PS17/081; GIK23068-3; GIK23256-1; GIK23414-9; Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic; Globocassidulina subglobosa; Greenland Sea; Gyroidina umbonata; KAL; Kasten corer; KOL; L. gibba; L. pauperata; Lagena spp.; Laticarinina pauperata; Lenticulina gibba; M. barleeanus; M. glabra; M. pompilioides; M17/2; M2/2; M23414; M7/2; Marginulina glabra; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; Melonis barleeanus; Melonis pompilioides; Meteor (1986); N. auricula; N. labradoricum; N. pachyderma s d13C; N. pachyderma s d18O; N. subsoluta; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, d13C; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, d18O; Nodosaria subsoluta; Nonionella auricula; Nonion labradoricum; Northeast Atlantic; Norwegian Sea; O. culter; O. hexagona; O. umbonatus; Oolina hexagona; Oridorsalis umbonatus; Osangularia culter; P. bulloides; P. corrugata; P. groenlandica; P. quinqueloba; P. rotalaria; Parafissurina groenlandica; Patellina corrugata; Piston corer (Kiel type); Polarstern; PS17; PS1906-2; Pullenia bulloides; Pullenia quinqueloba; Pyrgo rotalaria; Q. pygmaea; Q. seminula; Quinqueloculina pygmaea; Quinqueloculina seminula; R. stabilis; Reference; Reference/source; Rupertina stabilis; S. arctica; S. rolshauseni; S. schlumbergeri; Sample mass; Samp m; Sedimentation rate; Sed rate; SFB313; Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri; Siphotextularia rolshauseni; stable isotope data; Stage; Stetsonia arctica; T. angulosa; T. tricarinata; time slice; Trifarina angulosa; Triloculina tricarinata; U. peregrina; Uvigerina peregrina
