Pollen content and radiocarbon ages of profile Delorett, Austria

Autoria(s): Bortenschlager, Sigmar

LATITUDE: 46.829167 * LONGITUDE: 10.825556 * DATE/TIME START: 1919-09-15T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1919-09-15T00:00:00




A pollen profile from the highest known peatbog in the Alps is presented. The peatbog started to grow about 8000 years ago and over the last 5000 years. The influence of man on the vegetation is documented. Before the beginning of the bronze age pasturing started.


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CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


European Pollen Database (EPD)

Supplement to: Bortenschlager, Sigmar (1993): Das höchst gelegene Moor der Ostalpen "Moor am Rofenberg" 2760 m. Dissertationes Botanicae, 196, 329-334, hdl:10013/epic.40277.d001

Palavras-Chave #Abi; Abies; Ace; Acer; Acer campestre-type; Achillea-type; Ach-T; Age, 14C gas decay count; Age, dated; Age, dated, error to older; Age, dated, error to younger; Age dated; Age e -; Age e +; Aln; Alnus; Anthemis-type; Art; Artemisia; Aster-type; Bet; Betula; Borae; Boraginaceae; Bot; Botrychium; BP=1950 using the Libby half-life; Cal.v; Calluna vulgaris; Camae; Campanulaceae; Car.b; Carpinus betulus; Caryophyllaceae; Cas.s; Castanea; Castanea sativa; Cen.m; Centaurea montana; Centaurea montana-type; Cerastium-type; Cerealia; Cerealia-type; Cer-T; Cheae-T; Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae; Chenopodiaceae-type; Cir; Cirsium; Cirsium-type; Cm.Sf.C; Compae; Compositae; Compositae subfam. Cichorioideae; Cor.a; Corylus; Corylus avellana; Cphae; Crl; Cru; Cruciferae; Cypae; Cyperaceae; Cys.f; Cystopteris fragilis; DELORETT; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Drp-T; Dryopteris-type; Epilobium; Epl; Eriae; Ericaceae; Ericaceae-type; Fag; Fagus; Filipendula; Flp; Fra.e; Fraxinus excelsior; Fraxinus excelsior-type; Genae; Gentianaceae; Ger; Geranium; Graae; Gramineae; Gyp.r-T; Gypsophila repens-type; Hel; Helianthemum; Hip.r; Hippophae rhamnoides; Hom; Homogyne; Homogyne-type; Jun; Juniperus; Juniperus-type; Lab no; Lar; Larix; Larix/Pseudotsuga; Leguminosae; Lyc.a; Lycopodium annotinum; Lycopodium annotinum-type; MBOX5088; Men-T; Mentha-type; Metal boxes (50x8x8 cm); MooramRofenberg; Moor am Rofenberg, Austria; Onagraceae; Papilionaceae; Pht; Phyteuma; Pic; Picea; Pilae; Pin; Pinus; Pla; Pla.a-T; Pla.x; Plantago; Plantago alpina-type; Plantago maritima-type; Plantago media; Pol.i; Pol.uplH; Pollen, cf. upland herbs; Polygonum aviculare; Polygonum aviculare-type; Polypodium; Potentilla-type; Ppd; Priae; Primulaceae; Ptd.a; Pteridium aquilinum; Pti-T; Que; Quercus; Ran-T; Ranunculaceae; Ranunculus-type; Rha; Rhamnus; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rumex/Oxyria; Rumex-type; Rum-T; Sal; Salix; Sam.r; Sambucus racemosa; Sample, optional label/labor no; Sax.g-T; Sax.o-T; Saxifraga granulata-type; Saxifraga oppositifolia-type; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Sec; Secale; Secale cereale; Sel.s; Selaginella selaginoides; Senecio-type; Sen-T; Set; Setaria; Stachys sylvatica-type; Stachys-type; Sta-T; Tha; Thalictrum; Thick; Thickness; Til; Tilia; Trifolium-type; Tri-T; Ulm; Ulmus; Umb; Umbelliferae; Urtae; Urticaceae; Varia
