Description and geochemistry of DSDP Leg 55 Holes

Autoria(s): Karpoff, Anne Marie; Peterschmitt, Irene; Hoffert, Michel

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 40.031480 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 170.528660 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 37.981300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 170.379000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 42.424000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 170.597700 * DATE/TIME START: 1977-08-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1977-08-06T00:00:00




One of the objectives of Leg 55 was to investigate the Tertiary history of sedimentation and environment on the Emperor Seamounts after their volcanic activity. For the three first sites, 430, 431, and 432, drilled on Ojin, Nintoku, and Yömei Seamounts, the Neogene sedimentary deposits are not well represented and are not typical pelagic sediments. Except for two holes (430A and 432), where we found calcareous oozes, the sediments are heterogeneous sands, gravels, and pebbly mudstones with a wide range in grain size and composition. Two phenomena characterize these deposits: the inheritance of volcaniclastic material and its alteration, and the authigenesis of secondary minerals including silicates, phosphates, and ferromanganese oxides formed under volcanic influence in a marine environment.


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Supplement to: Karpoff, Anne Marie; Peterschmitt, Irene; Hoffert, Michel (1980): Mineralogy and geochemistry of sedimentary deposits on emperor seamounts, Sites 430, 431, and 432: Authigenesis of silicates, phosphates, and ferromanganese oxides. In: Jackson, ED; Koisumi, I; et al., (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 55, 463-489, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.55.117.1980

Palavras-Chave #-; # = extrapolated value; #1143 = extrapolated value; <0.05 = value below lower detection limit; <0.1 = value below lower detection limit; <2 = value below lower detection limit; <2 = value below lower detection limit; #1300 = extrapolated value; >500 = value over upper detection limit; <2 µm fraction major constituent; <5 = value below lower detection limit; <5 = value below lower detection limit; #1600 = extrapolated value; >500 = value over upper detection limit; 55-430; 55-430A; 55-431; 55-431A; 55-432; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; At 1000 deg C; B; Ba; BaO; Barium; Barium oxide; Boron; Bulk sample major constituent; Calcium oxide; CaO; Chromium; Co; CO2O3, in %; Cobalt; Comment; Copper; Cr; Cu; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Description; Description 2; Description 2 (continued); DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Event; Fe/Ti; Fe2O3; Ga; Gallium; Glomar Challenger; Iron/Titanium ratio; Iron oxide, Fe2O3; K2O; Label; Lead; Leg55; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; LOI; Loss on ignition; Magnesium oxide; Manganese/Iron ratio; Manganous manganic oxide; MgO; Mn/Fe; Mn3O4; Na2O; Ni; Ni/Mn; Nickel; Nickel oxide; NiO; North Pacific/SEDIMENT POND; North Pacific/TERRACE; ODP sample designation; P2O5; Pb; Phosphorus oxide; Potassium oxide; Ratio; Sample code/label; Si/Al; Silicon/Aluminium ratio; Silicon dioxide; SiO2; Sn; Sodium oxide; Sr; Strontium; Tin; TiO2; Titanium oxide; Total; Total iron; Total manganese; V; V/Fe; Vanadium; X-ray diffraction (XRD); Zinc; Zn
