(Table 1) Stratigraphic distribution and abundances of Cretaceous radiolarians from ODP Holes 130-803D and 130-807C

Autoria(s): Takahashi, Kozo; Ling, Hsin Yi

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 3.019500 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 158.583000 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 2.433000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 156.625000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 3.606000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 160.541000 * DATE/TIME START: 1990-01-31T00:45:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1990-03-22T23:15:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 625.66 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1375.40 m




Among the five sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 130, two deep holes (8O3D and 807C) penetrated Cretaceous sediments overlying the basaltic pillows, flows, and possibly basement rocks. Abundant, poorly preserved radiolarians with limited diversity were recovered from a few horizons within the sediments proximal to the basalt. At Site 803, three thin layers of radiolarites interbedded with claystone and clayey siltstone yielded radiolarian assemblages of late Albian age. At Site 807, several layers of radiolarian siltstones were recovered proximal to the basalt. Among them the most significant radiolarian assemblage is an Aptian fauna, located approximately 7 m above the basaltic flows. The Aptian radiolarian age for Site 807 is at least in accord with those suggested by planktonic foraminifer and paleomagnetic evidence. These Cretaceous radiolarians are the oldest assemblages recorded from the Ontong Java Plateau region.


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Supplement to: Takahashi, Kozo; Ling, Hsin Yi (1993): Cretaceous radiolarians from the Ontong Java Plateau, western Pacific, Holes 803D and 807C. In: Berger, WH; Kroenke, LW; Mayer, LA; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 130, 93-102, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.019.1993

Palavras-Chave #130-803D; 130-807C; Amphipyndax sp.; Archaeodictyomitra riedeli; Archaeodictyomitra sp.; Archaeodictyomitra vulgaris; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Dictyomitra sp.; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Event label; Holocryptocanium barbui; Joides Resolution; Leg130; Mita sp.; North Pacific Ocean; Novixitus sp.; Obesacapsula somphedia; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Praeconocaryomma sp.; Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala; Pseudodictyomitra sp.; Radiolarian preservation; Radiolarians abundance; Sample code/label; Sethocapsa sp.; Solenotryma sp.; Stage; Stichocapsa euganea; Thanarla elegantissima; Thanarla praeveneta; Thanarla pulchra; Thanarla veneta; Theocapsomma amphora; Theocorys renzae; Xitus sp.
