(Table 1) Transfer function results and sea surface temperature interpolation calculated from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages

Autoria(s): Niebler, Hans-Stefan

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -39.059197 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -12.948117 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -55.165000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -59.096667 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -20.119000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 18.101667 * DATE/TIME START: 1960-01-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1993-12-24T08:46:00 * MINIMUM ELEVATION: -4016.0 m * MAXIMUM ELEVATION: -575.0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 486 data points









Niebler, Hans-Stefan; Gersonde, Rainer (1998): A planktonic foraminiferal transfer function for the southern South Atlantic Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology, 34(3-4), 213-234, doi:10.1016/S0377-8398(98)00009-7

Niebler, Hans-Stefan (1998): Site position, varimax factor loading matrix, measured temperature, estimated temperature and temperature residual for every sediment surface sample. http://store.pangaea.de/Publications/NieblerHS_et_al_1998/Tab1.zip


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Palavras-Chave #06MT15_2; A150/180; A260210A; Agulhas Basin; Agulhas Ridge; ANT-IX/4; ANT-VI/3; ANT-VIII/3; ANT-X/4; ANT-X/5; ANT-X/6; ANT-XI/2; Atlantic Indik Ridge; Atlantic Ridge; AWI_Paleo; Brazil Basin; Calculated from measured summer temperature; Cape Basin; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; Discovery Seamount; Eastern Rio Grande Rise; Elevation of event; Event label; Factor 1; Factor 2; Factor 3; Factor 4; Factor 5; Factor analysis, CABFAC; GeoB1203-2; GeoB1204-3; GeoB1218-1; GeoB1220-2; GeoB1308-1; GeoB1309-3; GeoB1310-1; GeoB1311-2; GeoB1312-3; GeoB1313-1; GeoB1719-5; GeoB1720-4; GeoB1721-4; GeoB1728-3; GeoB2002-2; GeoB2004-1; GeoB2007-1; GeoB2016-3; GeoB2019-2; GeoB2021-4; GeoB2022-3; Giant box corer; GKG; Gravity corer (Kiel type); LATITUDE; LONGITUDE; M12/1; M15/2; M20/2; M23/1; Meteor (1986); Meteor Rise; MIC; MiniCorer; MUC; MultiCorer; Namibia Continental Margin; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; PC; Piston corer; Polarstern; PS12; PS12/557; PS16; PS16/278; PS16/284; PS16/294; PS16/334; PS16/337; PS16/342; PS16/345; PS16/351; PS1654-1; PS1754-2; PS1756-6; PS1759-1; PS1775-5; PS1776-6; PS1777-7; PS1778-1; PS1779-3; PS18; PS18/231; PS18/232; PS18/239; PS18/241; PS18/242; PS18/243; PS18/244; PS18/260; PS18/261; PS18/262; PS18/263; PS18/264; PS18/269; PS2075-3; PS2076-1; PS2083-1; PS2084-2; PS2085-1; PS2086-3; PS2087-1; PS2102-2; PS2103-2; PS2104-1; PS2105-2; PS2106-1; PS21 06AQANTX_4; PS2110-1; PS22; PS22/678; PS22/842; PS22/850; PS22/851; PS22/852; PS22/853; PS22/899; PS22/902; PS22/908; PS22/947; PS22/973; PS22 06AQANTX_5; PS2230-1; PS2241-1; PS2242-1; PS2250-6; PS2343-1; PS2351-1; PS2352-1; PS2353-2; PS2354-1; PS2366-1; PS2367-1; PS2368-1; PS2372-1; PS2376-1; PS2487-2; PS2489-4; PS2494-1; PS2495-1; PS2496-2; PS2498-2; PS28; PS28/236; PS28/256; PS28/289; PS28/293; PS28/298; PS28/304; RC08; RC08-23; RC08-27; RC11; RC11-26; RC11-37; RC12; RC12-266; RC12-268; RC15; RC15-143; RC15-145; RC15-151; Robert Conrad; Shona Ridge; SL; South African margin; South Atlantic; South Atlantic Ocean; Temperature, water, interpolated; V16; V16-189; V16-190; V17; V17-147; V18; V18-34; V20; V20-213; V22; V22-71; V24; V24-241; V26; V26-68; Vema; Walvis Ridge
