Titanium and aluminium of surface sediment cores

Autoria(s): Haese, Ralf R

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -6.040964 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -10.978985 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -25.168333 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -48.040000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 29.105000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 20.678330 * DATE/TIME START: 1988-02-24T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1996-02-09T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.003 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.600 m




text/tab-separated-values, 180 data points









Haese, Ralf R (1997): Beschreibung und Quantifizierung frühdiagenetischer Reaktionen des Eisens in Sedimenten des Südatlantiks. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 99, 118 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000102231


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Aluminium; Amazon Fan; Angola Basin; Brazil Basin; Cape Basin; Cape Blanc; Cardno Seamount; DEPTH, sediment/rock; East Brazil Basin; Equatorial Atlantic; Event label; GeoB; GeoB1013-2; GeoB1015-3; GeoB1018-2; GeoB1023-2; GeoB1024-3; GeoB1025-2; GeoB1026-3; GeoB1031-3; GeoB1037-2; GeoB1039-1; GeoB1040-3; GeoB1041-1; GeoB1043-2; GeoB1044-3; GeoB1046-2; GeoB1047-3; GeoB1101-4; GeoB1102-3; GeoB1103-3; GeoB1104-5; GeoB1105-3; GeoB1106-5; GeoB1108-3; GeoB1109-4; GeoB1110-3; GeoB1111-5; GeoB1112-3; GeoB1113-7; GeoB1114-3; GeoB1115-4; GeoB1116-1; GeoB1117-3; GeoB1118-2; GeoB1119-2; GeoB1120-3; GeoB1121-1; GeoB1122-2; GeoB1204-3; GeoB1208-1; GeoB1212-2; GeoB1215-1; GeoB1218-1; GeoB1220-2; GeoB1403-2; GeoB1405-7; GeoB1407-7; GeoB1408-2; GeoB1413-2; GeoB1415-1; GeoB1417-2; GeoB1419-1; GeoB1420-1; GeoB1421-1; GeoB1503-2; GeoB1504-1; GeoB1505-2; GeoB1506-1; GeoB1508-1; GeoB1509-2; GeoB1510-1; GeoB1511-6; GeoB1512-2; GeoB1515-2; GeoB1518-1; GeoB1519-2; GeoB1601-7; GeoB1611-1; GeoB1613-10; GeoB1701-1; GeoB1703-7; GeoB1704-1; GeoB1707-2; GeoB1709-3; GeoB1901-1; GeoB1903-1; GeoB1904-1; GeoB1905-1; GeoB1907-1; GeoB1908-1; GeoB2903-1; GeoB2904-11; GeoB2905-1; GeoB2906-3; GeoB2907-1; GeoB2908-8; GeoB2910-2; GeoB3713-1; GeoB3715-2; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Giant box corer; GIK17836-1; GIK17843-1; GIK17851-1; GIK17862-1; GIK17884-1; GIK17912-1; GKG; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Guinea Basin; HF/HClO4/HNO3 digestion; KOL; LATITUDE; LONGITUDE; M12/1; M16/1; M16/2; M20/1; M20/2; M29/3; M34/2; M6/6; M9/4; Meteor (1986); Mid Atlantic Ridge; MUC; MultiCorer; Namibia Continental Margin; Northern Brasil-Basin; Northern Cape Basin; Northern Guinea Basin; off Gran Canaria; off Kunene; Piston corer (Kiel type); Romanche fracture zone; SFB261; Sierra Leone Rise; SL; SO84; Sonne; South Atlantic in Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Budget and Currents; Southwest Guinea Basin; ST. HELENA HOTSPOT; Titanium; Walvis Ridge; Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean; West Angola Basin; Western Equatorial Atlantic
