Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Vitale, Mrs De March, Mrs Baduel Glorioso, Mrs Barbarella, Mr Bonaccini, Mr Cardia, Mrs Carettoni Romagnoli, Mr Carossino, Mr Ceravolo, Mr Rodano, Mr d'Angelosante, Mr De Pasquale, Mr Fanti, Mr Ferrero, Mr Galluzzi, Mr Gouthier, Mr Ippolito, Mr Leonardi, Mr Ansart, Mr Baillot, Mr Chambeiron, Mr Damette, Mr Denis, Mr Fernandez, Mr Frischmann, Mr Gremetz, Mrs Hoffmann, Mrs Le Roux, Mr Maffre-Bauge, Mrs Poirier, Mr Pranchere, Mr Verges and Mr Papapietro on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the earthquake in southern Italy. Working Document 1980-1981, Document 1-634/80, 27 November 1980

Autoria(s): Desconhecido





UNSPECIFIED (1980) Motion for a Resolution tabled by Mr Vitale, Mrs De March, Mrs Baduel Glorioso, Mrs Barbarella, Mr Bonaccini, Mr Cardia, Mrs Carettoni Romagnoli, Mr Carossino, Mr Ceravolo, Mr Rodano, Mr d'Angelosante, Mr De Pasquale, Mr Fanti, Mr Ferrero, Mr Galluzzi, Mr Gouthier, Mr Ippolito, Mr Leonardi, Mr Ansart, Mr Baillot, Mr Chambeiron, Mr Damette, Mr Denis, Mr Fernandez, Mr Frischmann, Mr Gremetz, Mrs Hoffmann, Mrs Le Roux, Mr Maffre-Bauge, Mrs Poirier, Mr Pranchere, Mr Verges and Mr Papapietro on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the earthquake in southern Italy. Working Document 1980-1981, Document 1-634/80, 27 November 1980. [EU European Parliament Document]



EU European Parliament Document
