Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr de Pasquale, Mr Papapietro, Mr Vitale, Mr Cardia, Mrs Barbarella, Mr Fanti, Mrs Baduel Glorioso, Mr Bonaccini, Mrs Caretppmo Romagnoli, Mr Carossino, Mr Ceravolo, Mrs Cinciari Rodano, Mr D'Angelosante, Mr Ferrero, Mr Galuzzi, Mr Gouthier, Mr Ippolito, Mr Leonard, Mr Segre, Mr Spinelli, Mrs Squacialupi Quarcialupi and Mr Veronesi with request for urgent and topical debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the ban on imports of Italian wine into France. Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-474/81, 11 September 1981.

Autoria(s): Desconhecido





UNSPECIFIED (1981) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr de Pasquale, Mr Papapietro, Mr Vitale, Mr Cardia, Mrs Barbarella, Mr Fanti, Mrs Baduel Glorioso, Mr Bonaccini, Mrs Caretppmo Romagnoli, Mr Carossino, Mr Ceravolo, Mrs Cinciari Rodano, Mr D'Angelosante, Mr Ferrero, Mr Galuzzi, Mr Gouthier, Mr Ippolito, Mr Leonard, Mr Segre, Mr Spinelli, Mrs Squacialupi Quarcialupi and Mr Veronesi with request for urgent and topical debate pursuant to Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure on the ban on imports of Italian wine into France. Working Documents 1981-1982, Document 1-474/81, 11 September 1981. [EU European Parliament Document]



EU European Parliament Document
