Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Glinne, Mrs. Baduel Glorioso, Mr. Bangemann, Mrs. Barbarella, Mrs. Bonino, Mrs. Boserup, Mrs. Buchan, Mrs. Carettoni Romagnoli, Mrs. Castellina, Mrs. Castle, Mr. Chambeiron, Mrs. Charzat, Mrs. Cinciari Rodano, Mrs. Clwyd, Mrs. Cresson, Mr. Damette, Mrs. Dekker, Mrs. de March, Mrs. Desmond, Mr. Fanti, Mr. Ferrero, Mrs. Focke, Mrs. Fuillet, Mrs. Gaspard, Mrs. Gredal, Mrs. Groes, Mrs. Herklotz, Mrs. van den Heuvel, Mrs. Hoff, Mrs. J. Hoffman, Mrs. Krouwel-Vlam, Mrs. le Roux, Mrs. Lizin, Mrs. Macciocchi, Mr. Piquet, Mrs. Poirier, Miss Quin, Mrs. Roudy, Mrs. Salisch, Mrs. Seibel-Emmerling, Mr. Spinelli, Mrs. Squarcialupi, Mrs. Vayssade, Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Wieczorek-Zeul and Mr. Wurtz with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the setting up of an ad hoc committee on women's rights. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 1-415/79, 23 October 1979

Autoria(s): Desconhecido





UNSPECIFIED (1979) Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Glinne, Mrs. Baduel Glorioso, Mr. Bangemann, Mrs. Barbarella, Mrs. Bonino, Mrs. Boserup, Mrs. Buchan, Mrs. Carettoni Romagnoli, Mrs. Castellina, Mrs. Castle, Mr. Chambeiron, Mrs. Charzat, Mrs. Cinciari Rodano, Mrs. Clwyd, Mrs. Cresson, Mr. Damette, Mrs. Dekker, Mrs. de March, Mrs. Desmond, Mr. Fanti, Mr. Ferrero, Mrs. Focke, Mrs. Fuillet, Mrs. Gaspard, Mrs. Gredal, Mrs. Groes, Mrs. Herklotz, Mrs. van den Heuvel, Mrs. Hoff, Mrs. J. Hoffman, Mrs. Krouwel-Vlam, Mrs. le Roux, Mrs. Lizin, Mrs. Macciocchi, Mr. Piquet, Mrs. Poirier, Miss Quin, Mrs. Roudy, Mrs. Salisch, Mrs. Seibel-Emmerling, Mr. Spinelli, Mrs. Squarcialupi, Mrs. Vayssade, Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Wieczorek-Zeul and Mr. Wurtz with request for urgent debate pursuant to Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure on the setting up of an ad hoc committee on women's rights. Working Documents 1979-1980, Document 1-415/79, 23 October 1979. [EU European Parliament Document]



EU European Parliament Document
