Oral Question 0-0060/94 pursuant to Rule 40 of the Rules of Procedure. Subject: Future EU Mediterranean policy activities and their funding: The conclusions of every European Council since Lisbon 1992 stress the need for permanent, coherent EU collaboration with the States of the Mediterranean basin. The European Parliament has also repeatedly called for such collaboration, most recently in a resolution of 4 May 1994 on the European Council held in Corfu, expressing its hope 'for a more ambitious form of EU action, the creation of a stability pact and the setting up of agreements with the countries of the Mediterranean basin, .... 1. Is the Commission preparing proposals on a Mediterranean policy for submission to the Council? If so, when are they to be submitted?; 2. What kind of action does the Commission envisage for the Mediterranean basin and what monies are to be used to finance these activities? Session Documents 1994, Document B4-0121/94, 26 September 1994

Autoria(s): Sakellariou, Jannis






Sakellariou, Jannis (1994) Oral Question 0-0060/94 pursuant to Rule 40 of the Rules of Procedure. Subject: Future EU Mediterranean policy activities and their funding: The conclusions of every European Council since Lisbon 1992 stress the need for permanent, coherent EU collaboration with the States of the Mediterranean basin. The European Parliament has also repeatedly called for such collaboration, most recently in a resolution of 4 May 1994 on the European Council held in Corfu, expressing its hope 'for a more ambitious form of EU action, the creation of a stability pact and the setting up of agreements with the countries of the Mediterranean basin, .... 1. Is the Commission preparing proposals on a Mediterranean policy for submission to the Council? If so, when are they to be submitted?; 2. What kind of action does the Commission envisage for the Mediterranean basin and what monies are to be used to finance these activities? Session Documents 1994, Document B4-0121/94, 26 September 1994. [EU European Parliament Document]




EU European Parliament Document
