Oral question (O-1/82/ACP-EEC) without debate pursuant to Rule 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the ACP-EEC Consultative Assembly by Mr. Lezzi to the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers, Subject: 'Black Migration to South Africa' - a publication of the International Labour Organization (Geneva), A recent publication by the ILO proposes a plan aimed at putting an end to the emigration of black workers to South Africa from neighbouring countries and involving the withdrawal of these workers over a period of roughly 15 years coupled with a tax to be paid by South Africa for each worker recruited during the withdrawal period. This plan also provides for the creation of a United Nations Fund to prepare for the repatriation of the workers and to arrange possible sources of alternative work. This naturally presupposes close cooperation between the countries which provide the labour force and these would form an association (Association of Home Countries of Migrants) with substantial negotiating powers in dealings with South Africa. ACP-EEC Consultative Assembly working documents 1982-1983, Document ACP-EEC 1-36/82/ACP, 15 October 1982

Autoria(s): Lezzi, Mr.






Lezzi, Mr. (1982) Oral question (O-1/82/ACP-EEC) without debate pursuant to Rule 18 of the Rules of Procedure of the ACP-EEC Consultative Assembly by Mr. Lezzi to the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers, Subject: 'Black Migration to South Africa' - a publication of the International Labour Organization (Geneva), A recent publication by the ILO proposes a plan aimed at putting an end to the emigration of black workers to South Africa from neighbouring countries and involving the withdrawal of these workers over a period of roughly 15 years coupled with a tax to be paid by South Africa for each worker recruited during the withdrawal period. This plan also provides for the creation of a United Nations Fund to prepare for the repatriation of the workers and to arrange possible sources of alternative work. This naturally presupposes close cooperation between the countries which provide the labour force and these would form an association (Association of Home Countries of Migrants) with substantial negotiating powers in dealings with South Africa. ACP-EEC Consultative Assembly working documents 1982-1983, Document ACP-EEC 1-36/82/ACP, 15 October 1982. [EU European Parliament Document]




EU European Parliament Document
