Letter from John Ames to Samuel Shuttleworth (fragment), 1822 July 22
Data(s) |
Resumo |
Fragments of a one-page handwritten letter from John Ames (1793-1833) in Dedham to his uncle, Samuel Shuttleworth in Windsor, Vermont. The fragments contain some incomplete lines of text, including a note of the church attendance of "Aunt Ames." |
Identificador |
http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/52784352?width=150&height=150&usethumb=y http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ARCH:23854052 http://colonialnorthamerican.library.harvard.edu/prod/cna/hua36011c00005 |
Publicador |
Harvard University Archives |
Relação |
Harvard University Archives: Papers of Fisher Ames and the Ames and Fowler families, 1774-ca. 1900s.-->II. Correspondence, 1792-1822 |
Direitos |
The Papers of Fisher Ames and the Ames and Fowler families are open for research. |