Letter from James L. Swett,
Data(s) |
Resumo |
One letter sent from Valparaiso, Chile, noting the achievement of peace between Peru and Colombia, and the status of the presidency in Chile. Swett also writes regarding the prospects of the Chanca silver mine and offers updates on two of the other partners in the enterprise, Nixon and McCall. |
Identificador |
HUM 202 Box 5, Folder 1 http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/53093332?width=150&height=150&usethumb=y http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ARCH:24982995 http://colonialnorthamerican.library.harvard.edu/prod/cna/hua08015c00300 |
Publicador |
Harvard University Archives |
Relação |
Harvard University Archives: William Tudor personal archive, approximately 1792-1914 and undated (bulk approximately 1792-1830)-->V. Correspondence and papers related to Tudor’s service as a South American diplomat, 1824-1830, and undated-->B. Alphabetical correspondence, 1824-1830 |
Direitos |
Open for research. |