Letters from John Orde Creighton to William Tudor,
Data(s) |
Resumo |
Five letters on topics including General Juan Lavalle and warring factions in Buenos Aires and news of mutual friends and associates. |
Identificador |
HUM 202 Box 3, Folder 72 http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/52961240?width=150&height=150&usethumb=y http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ARCH:24085148 http://colonialnorthamerican.library.harvard.edu/prod/cna/hua08015c00218 |
Publicador |
Harvard University Archives |
Relação |
Harvard University Archives: William Tudor personal archive, approximately 1792-1914 and undated (bulk approximately 1792-1830)-->V. Correspondence and papers related to Tudor’s service as a South American diplomat, 1824-1830, and undated-->A. Letters from government officials, consular officers, and military officers, 1824-1830, and undated |
Direitos |
Open for research. |