Hack. Ms.L.unsigned to; Albany, 2 Aug 1759.
Data(s) |
Formato |
folder ([2]p.) |
Identificador |
(13) http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/51558390?width=150&height=150&usethumb=y http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL.HOUGH:17416832 http://colonialnorthamerican.library.harvard.edu/prod/cna/hou01410c00013 |
Publicador |
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
Relação |
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University: John Campbell Loudoun papers concerning the siege and fall of Quebec, |
Direitos |
There are no restrictions on physical access to this material. Collection is open for research. |