Jofré (1965): un projecte operístic de Joan Valls Jordà amb música d’Amand Blanquer

Autoria(s): Ferrando Morales, Àngel Lluís





La troballa del mecanoscrit del primer acte d’un projecte d’òpera de 1965, amb llibret del poeta Joan Valls Jordà (1917-1989) i al qual havia de posar música el compositor Amand Blanquer Ponsoda (1935-2005), aporta noves dades al voltant de la creació operística en valencià. Jofré, que havia de tenir tres actes (el segon dels quals dividit en dos quadres), va restar entre els papers del poeta fins a la seua mort i, posteriorment, ha estat custodiat en el fons Joan Valls de l’Arxiu Municipal d’Alcoi. Al llarg de gairebé cinquanta anys, sols hem pogut trobar una breu referencia de la seua existència, feta pel mateix Blanquer. Retrobar-la ara suposa, en primer lloc, donar a conèixer un inèdit de Valls; i, en segona instància, modificar la nostra percepció d’aquest gènere a les terres valencianes de la mà d’aquests dos alcoians imprescindibles.

The finding of the typewritten document of the first of act of an opera project dating back to 1965, a libretto by the poet Joan Valls Jordà (1917-1989) which was intended to be musically composed by Amand Blanquer Ponsoda (1935-2005), contributes some new data and facts regarding the operistic creation in Valencian language. Jofré, which was to have three acts, the second of which was divided into two scenes, was kept among the poet’s papers and documents up until his death and, later on, has been custodied and taken care of in the holdings of the said poet at the Alcoi Municipal Archives. For about as long as the last fifty years, we have just been able to find one only brief reference of the document in question by the very same composer, that is, Amand Blanquer. The recent chance discovery of such a piece of work means, in the first place, shedding a vast amount of light to an interesting, unpublished and unknown poetic composition and, in the second place, an alteration of the previous feeling and perception that we have had so far about this genre in our Valencian Lands produced by these two outstanding bornand-bred citizens of Alcoi in the musical and poetry fields.


Ítaca. Revista de Filologia. 2014, 5: 281-313. doi:10.14198/ITACA2014.5.15






Universitat d'Alacant. Departament de Filologia Catalana



Palavras-Chave #Jofré #Òpera valenciana #Blanquer, Amand #Valls, Joan #Inèdit #Valencian opera #Unpublished #Filología Catalana
