Clay mineral distribution of surface sediments from the Fram Strait, the Arctic Ocean, and the Norwegian Sea (Appendix A3)

Autoria(s): Berner, Heinrich

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 70.908508 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 2.777944 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 59.978333 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -21.112100 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 86.131667 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 32.053333 * DATE/TIME START: 1982-01-01T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1987-10-08T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.01 m




text/tab-separated-values, 690 data points









Berner, Heinrich (1991): Mechanismen der Sedimentbildung in der Framstrasse, im Arktischen Ozean und in der Norwegischen See. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 20, 167 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000106655


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #104-1; 109-1; 111-2; 114-1; 117-1; 120-1; 121-1; 122-2; 57-04; 57-06; 57-07; 57-08; 57-09; 57-11; 57-12; 57-13; 57-14; 57-20; 58-08; Arctic Ocean; ARK-I/3; ARK-II/4; ARK-II/5; ARK-III/3; ARK-IV/3; BC; Box corer; Calculated; Chlorite; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Elevation of event; Event label; Fram Strait; GC; GeoB; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Giant box corer; GIK16103-1; GIK16104-1; GIK16105-1; GIK16109-1; GIK16122-1; GIK16129-1; GIK16131-1; GIK16132-1; GIK16133-1; GIK16135-1; GIK16136-1; GIK16138-1; GIK16139-1; GIK16143-1; GIK16144-1; GIK16145-1; GIK16146-1; GIK16147-1; GIK16149-1; GIK16150-1; GIK16152-1; GIK16156-1; GIK16157-1; GIK16158-1; GIK16161-1; GIK16162-1; GIK16163-1; GIK16167-1; GIK16168-1; GIK16169-1; GIK16170-1; GIK16172-1; GIK16175-1; GIK16176-1; GIK16180-1; GIK21289-1 PS07/578; GIK21290-3 PS07/579; GIK21291-3 PS07/581; GIK21292-3 PS07/582; GIK21293-3 PS07/583; GIK21294-3 PS07/584; GIK21295-3 PS07/586; GIK21296-3 PS07/587; GIK21297-3 PS07/588; GIK21298-3 PS07/590; GIK21300-3 PS07/592; GIK21301-2 PS07/593; GIK21302-2 PS07/594; GIK21305-1 PS07/597; GIK21306-2 PS07/598; GIK21307-2 PS07/599; GIK21308-3 PS07/601; GIK21309-3 PS07/602; GIK21310-4 PS07/603; GIK21311-3 PS07/605; GIK21312-3 PS07/606; GIK21314-3 PS07/608; GIK21316-5 PS07/612; GIK21318-4 PS07/615; GIK21319-2 PS07/617; GIK21322-3 PS07/626; GIK21323-3 PS07/627; GIK21513-8 PS11/276-8; GIK21514-5 PS11/278-5; GIK21515-10 PS11/280-10; GIK21516-5 PS11/282-5; GIK21518-13 PS11/287-13; GIK21519-10 PS11/296-10; GIK21520-10 PS11/310-10; GIK21521-13 PS11/340-13; GIK21522-18 PS11/358-18; GIK21523-14 PS11/362-14; GIK21524-1 PS11/364-1; GIK21525-2 PS11/365-2; GIK21528-7 PS11/372-7; GIK21529-7 PS11/376-7; GIK21530-3 PS11/382-3; GIK21532-1 PS11/396-1; GIK23055-1; GIK23056-2; GIK23057-1; GIK23058-1; GIK23059-1; GIK23060-1; GIK23061-3; GIK23062-2; GIK23063-1; GIK23064-2; GIK23065-1; GIK23066-1; GIK23067-2; GIK23068-1; GIK23069-1; GIK23070-2; GIK23071-1; GIK23072-1; GIK23073-2; GIK23074-2; GIK23126-1 PS03/126; GIK23138-1 PS03/138; GIK23150-1 PS03/150; GIK23189-1 PS03/189; GIK23206-1 PS03/206; GIK23207-1 PS03/207; GIK23210-1 PS03/210; GIK23211-1 PS03/211; GIK23216-1 PS03/216; GIK23217-1 PS03/217; GIK23220-1 PS03/220; GIK23221-1 PS03/221; GIK23222-1 PS03/222; GIK23229-1 PS05/414; GIK23230-1 PS05/416; GIK23231-2 PS05/417; GIK23232-1 PS05/418; GIK23233-1 PS05/420; GIK23235-1 PS05/422; GIK23240-1 PS05/428; GIK23241-1 PS05/429; GIK23243-2 PS05/431; GIK23244-1 PS05/449; GIK23247-2 PS05/452; GIK23248-1 PS05/453; GKG; Gravity corer; Gulf of Riga; Håkon Mosby; Himmerfjarden; HM52; HM52-02; HM57; HM57-04; HM57-05; HM57-06; HM57-07; HM57-08; HM57-09; HM57-11; HM57-12; HM57-13; HM57-14; HM57-20; HM58; HM58-02; HM58-08; HM82/83; Iceland Sea; Illite; Kaolinite; Kaolinite/Illite ratio; LATITUDE; Lofoten Basin; LONGITUDE; M107-1; M118-1; M2/2; Meteor (1986); Mooring (long time); MOORY; Nansen Basin; Norway Slope; Norwegian Sea; Polarstern; PS03; PS05; PS07; PS1050-1; PS1060-1; PS1071-1; PS11; PS11/269-1; PS1105-1; PS1120-2; PS1121-1; PS1124-1; PS1125-1; PS1127-1; PS1128-1; PS1130-1; PS1131-1; PS1132-1; PS1229-1; PS1230-1; PS1231-2; PS1232-1; PS1233-1; PS1235-1; PS1240-1; PS1241-1; PS1243-2; PS1244-1; PS1247-2; PS1248-1; PS1289-1; PS1290-3; PS1291-3; PS1292-3; PS1293-3; PS1294-3; PS1295-3; PS1296-3; PS1297-3; PS1298-3; PS1300-3; PS1301-2; PS1302-2; PS1305-1; PS1306-2; PS1307-2; PS1308-3; PS1309-3; PS1310-4; PS1311-3; PS1312-3; PS1314-3; PS1316-5; PS1318-4; PS1319-2; PS1322-3; PS1323-3; PS1511-1; PS1513-8; PS1514-5; PS1515-10; PS1516-5; PS1518-13; PS1519-10; PS1520-10; PS1521-13; PS1522-18; PS1523-14; PS1524-1; PS1525-2; PS1528-7; PS1529-7; PS1530-3; PS1532-1; Smectite; Svalbard; Voering Plateau; Voring Plateau; Western Djupet; X-ray diffraction TEXTUR, clay fraction
