Physical oceanography during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XI/1

Autoria(s): Meincke, Jens

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 79.633931 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 125.652158 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 76.001700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 87.036700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 82.350000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 150.218300 * DATE/TIME START: 1995-07-19T15:40:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1995-09-11T13:20:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 0.99 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 3849.25 m




text/tab-separated-values, 938310 data points








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Rachor, Eike (1997): Scientific Cruise Report of the Arctic Expedition ARK-XI/1 of the RV Polarstern in 1995 (German-Russian Project LADI: Laptev Sea - Arctic Deep Basin Interrelations) (Wissenschaftlicher Fahrtbericht über die Arktis-Expedition ARK-XI/1 von 1995 mit FS Polarstern). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 226, 330 pp, doi:10.2312/BzP_0226_1997


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven

Palavras-Chave #Arctic Ocean; ARK-XI/1; AWI_PhyOce; Calculated; Computed; Conductivity; CTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 911plus; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; Date/Time of event; Density, sigma-theta (0); DEPTH, water; East Siberian Sea; Elevation of event; Event label; Kara Sea; Laptev Sea; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; Physical Oceanography @ AWI; Polarstern; Pressure, water; PS36; PS36/002-1; PS36/003-1; PS36/003-2; PS36/004-1; PS36/007-1; PS36/007-2; PS36/008-1; PS36/009-1; PS36/010-1; PS36/011-1; PS36/012-1; PS36/013-1; PS36/014-1; PS36/014-2; PS36/015-1; PS36/016-1; PS36/017-1; PS36/018-1; PS36/019-1; PS36/019-2; PS36/020-1; PS36/021-1; PS36/021-2; PS36/022-1; PS36/023-1; PS36/023-2; PS36/023-3; PS36/024-1; PS36/024-2; PS36/024-3; PS36/025-1; PS36/025-2; PS36/025-3; PS36/026-1; PS36/027-1; PS36/027-2; PS36/029-1; PS36/029-2; PS36/030-1; PS36/031-1; PS36/031-2; PS36/031-3; PS36/032-1; PS36/033-1; PS36/033-2; PS36/035-1; PS36/036-1; PS36/037-1; PS36/038-1; PS36/039-1; PS36/040-1; PS36/040-2; PS36/041-1; PS36/042-1; PS36/042-2; PS36/043-1; PS36/044-1; PS36/044-2; PS36/045-1; PS36/045-2; PS36/046-1; PS36/047-1; PS36/047-2; PS36/048-1; PS36/049-1; PS36/049-2; PS36/050-1; PS36/051-1; PS36/051-2; PS36/052-1; PS36/052-2; PS36/053-1; PS36/054-1; PS36/055-1; PS36/056-1; PS36/056-2; PS36/057-1; PS36/057-2; PS36/058-1; PS36/059-1; PS36/060-1; PS36/060-2; PS36/061-1; PS36/062-1; PS36/062-2; PS36/063-1; PS36/064-1; PS36/065-1; PS36/065-2; PS36/066-1; PS36/067-1; PS36/068-1; PS36/069-1; PS36/070-1; PS36/071-1; PS36/072-1; PS36/073-1; PS36/075-1; PS36/075-2; PS36/077-1; PS36/078-1; PS36/079-1; PS36/080-1; PS36/080-2; PS36/081-1; PS36/083-1; PS36/084-1; PS36/087-1; PS36/088-1; PS36/089-1; PS36/089-2; PS36/089-3; PS36/090-1; PS36/091-1; PS36/091-2; PS36/092-1; PS36/093-1; PS36/094-1; PS36/095-1; PS36/096-1; Salinity; Temperature, water; Temperature, water, potential
