Major and trace element abundances at DSDP Hole 72-516F

Autoria(s): Michel, Helen V; Asaro, Frank; Alvarez, Walter; Alvarez, Luis W; Johnson, David A

LATITUDE: -30.276500 * LONGITUDE: -35.285000 * DATE/TIME START: 1980-03-11T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1980-03-11T00:00:00




Anomalously high values of Ir have been detected in association with the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in about a dozen marine or continental sections laid down about 65 Ma in many different parts of the world (Alvarez et al., 1981). One possible exception is the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary region in DSDP Site 356, in the South Atlantic off the coast of South America. In a detailed study of that section, the maximum Ir abundance was about 0.2 ppb, much lower than the 3-90 ppb found in most of the other marine locations (authors' unpublished data on the Cretaceous/Tertiary region of Site 356, 1982). A study of Hole 516F, which is not too far from Site 356, could show whether the very low (or missing) Cretaceous/Tertiary Ir anomaly at Site 356 is characteristic of this region of the South Atlantic.


application/zip, 2 datasets








Michel, Helen V; Asaro, Frank; Alvarez, Walter; Alvarez, Luis W; Johnson, David A (1983): Abundance profiles of iridium and other elements near the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Hole 516F of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 72. In: Barker, PF; Carlson, RL; Johnson, DA; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 72, 931-936, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.72.148.1983


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave ##1; #1 - NAA pill; #2; # is indicated if the Ir and the other elements were not measured on the same pill or the same ground powders; #2 - NAA pill; # indicates exceptions; # is indicated if the Ir and the other elements were not measured on the same pill or the same ground powders; 72-516F; A flux monitor was used for calibration of Mg; Al; Al std dev; Aluminium; Aluminium, standard deviation; Antimony; Antimony, standard deviation; A seawater contribution of 0.556 times the Cl abundance has been removed from the Na values; Ba; Barium; Barium, standard deviation; Ba std dev; Ca; Calcium; Calcium, standard deviation; Ca std dev; Chlorine; Chlorine, standard deviation; Chromium; Chromium, standard deviation; Cl; Cl std dev; Co; Cobalt; Cobalt, standard deviation; Co std dev; Cr; Cr std dev; Deep Sea Drilling Project; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Element analysis, neutron activation (NAA); Fe; Fe std dev; Flux monitors were used to calibrate the abundances of Se, and there may be calibration errors of about 10% in addition to the precisions of measurement; Flux monitors were used to calibrate the abundances of Zn, and there may be calibration errors of about 10% in addition to the precisions of measurement; Glomar Challenger; Hafnium; Hafnium, standard deviation; Hf; Hf std dev; Ir; Iridium; Iridium, standard deviation; Iron; Iron, standard deviation; Ir std dev; K; K std dev; Label; Lab no; Leg72; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Magnesium; Magnesium, standard deviation; Manganese; Manganese, standard deviation; Method; Method comment; Mg; Mg std dev; Mn; Mn std dev; Na; Na std dev; Ni; Nickel; Nickel, standard deviation; Ni std dev; ODP sample designation; Potassium; Potassium, standard deviation; Rb; Rb std dev; Rubidium; Rubidium, standard deviation; Sample, optional label/labor no; Sample code/label; Sb; Sb std dev; Sc; Scandium; Scandium, standard deviation; Sc std dev; Se; Selenium; Selenium, standard deviation; Se std dev; Sodium; Sodium, standard deviation; South Atlantic/CONT RISE; Sr; Sr std dev; Strontium; Strontium, standard deviation; Ta; Tantalum; Tantalum, standard deviation; Ta std dev; Th; Thorium; Thorium, standard deviation; Th std dev; Ti; Ti std dev; Titanium; Titanium, standard deviation; U; Uranium; Uranium, standard deviation; U std dev; V; Vanadium; Vanadium, standard deviation; V std dev; Zinc; Zinc, standard deviation; Zn; Zn std dev
