Urban forest health survey on Roznik in Ljubljana in 2013 by two methods

Autoria(s): Ogris, Nikica; Hauptman, Tine; de Groot, Maarten; Jurc, Dusan

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 46.056636 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 14.476285 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 46.050073 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 14.459591 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 46.066247 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 14.491973 * DATE/TIME START: 2013-07-22T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2013-09-06T00:00:00




Urban forest health was surveyed on Roznik in Ljubljana (46.05141 N, 14.47797 E) in 2013 by two methods: ICP Forests and UFMO. ICP Forests is most commonly used monitoring programme in Europe - the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests, which is based on systematic grid. UFMO method - Urban Forests Management Oriented method was developed in the frame of EMoNFUr Project - Establishing a monitoring network to assess lowland forest and urban plantations in Lombardy and urban forest in Slovenia (LIFE10 ENV/IT/000399). UFMO is based on non-linear transects (GPS tracks). ICP forests monitoring plots were established in July 2013 in the urban forest Roznik in Ljubljana .The 32 plots are located on sampling grid 500 × 500 m. The grid was down-scaled from the National Forest Monitoring survey, which bases on national sample grid 4 × 4 km. With the ICP forests method the following parameters for each tree within the 15 plots were gathered according to the ICP forests manual for Visual assessment of crown condition and damaging agents: tree species, percentage of defoliation, affected part of the tree, specification of affected part, location in crown, symptom, symptom specification, causal agents / factors, age of damage, damage extent, and damage extent on the trunk. With the UFMO method, the following parameters for each tree that needed sylviculture measure (felling, pruning, sanitary felling, thinning, etc.) were recorded: tree species, breast diameter, causal agent / damaging factor, GPS waypoint and GPS track. For overall picture in the urban forest health problems, also other biotic and abiotic damaging factors that did not require management action were recorded.


application/zip, 2 datasets









Original data files and GIS files for Ogris et al. (2015). hdl:10013/epic.45511.d001


Access constraints: access rights needed


Supplement to: Ogris, Nikica; Hauptman, Tine; de Groot, Maarten; Jurc, Dusan (2015): Benchmark of two methods for monitoring urban forests health. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, in review

Palavras-Chave #affected part; Age, comment; causal agent; Class; Code; Comm; Comment; DBH; defoliation; Description; Diameter at breast height; Event; extent; Hemeroby/disturbance; ID; Identification; in crown; Location; of cause; of crown damage; of damage; of symptom; of tree; Perc; Percentage; point; Site; speciation of affected part; Species; symptom speciation; track; trunk damage; ufmo tree code
