Susceptibility in surface sediments of the Eurasian continental margin

Autoria(s): Niessen, Frank; Weiel, Dominik

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 77.908108 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 94.629821 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 71.690000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 22.921700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 82.763300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 139.670000 * DATE/TIME START: 1993-08-09T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1994-09-01T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 254 data points








Niessen, Frank; Weiel, Dominik (1996): Distribution of magnetic susceptibility on the Eurasian shelf and continental slope - implications for source areas of magnetic minerals. In: Stein, R; Ivanov, G I; Levitan, M A & Fahl, K (eds.), Surface-sediment composition and sedimentary processes in the central Arctic Ocean and along the Eurasian Continental Margin, Reports on Polar Research, 324 pp, 212, 81-88, hdl:10013/epic.10213.d001


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #ARK-IX/4; AWI_Paleo; Barents Sea; BCR; Bear Island Trough; Box corer (Reineck); DEPTH, sediment/rock; Event label; Giant box corer; GKG; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Gravity corer (Russian type); IK9301-6; IK9307-3; IK9309-4; IK9313-7; IK9315-1; IK9316-6; IK9318-5; IK9320-2; IK9321-5; IK9323-6; IK9324-4; IK9327-6; IK9330-5; IK9334-7; IK9338-5; IK9340-6; IK9342-6; IK9344-9; IK9348-6; IK9349-7; IK9350-6; IK9356-2; IK9358-6; IK9361-9; IK9367-1; IK9368-6; IK9371-1; IK9373-8; IK9373A-6; IK9382-6; IK9384-1; IK93K1-1; IK93K2-1; IK93Z2-8; IK93Z3-2; IK93Z4-4; IK93Z5-3; Ivan Kireyev; KAL; KAL_R; Kara Sea/St. Anna Trough; Kasten corer; Kasten corer RUS; Laptev Sea; Laptev Sea, Taymyr Island; LATITUDE; LONGITUDE; MG; Multiboxcorer; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; PL-1994; PL94-01; PL94-02; PL94-03; PL94-04; PL94-05; PL94-07; PL94-08; PL94-09; PL94-10; PL94-11a; PL94-12; PL94-13; PL94-13a; PL94-16; PL94-16a; PL94-18; PL94-19; PL94-19a; PL94-20; PL94-22; PL94-23; PL94-25; PL94-26; PL94-28; PL94-30; PL94-31; PL94-32; PL94-34; PL94-35; PL94-37; PL94-38; PL94-39; PL94-40; PL94-41; PL94-42; PL94-44; PL94-46; PL94-50; PL94-51; PL94-53; PL94-54; PL94-55; PL94-56; PL94-57; PL94-58; PL94-60; PL94-62; PL94-63; PL94-64; PL94-65; PL94-67; PL94-68; PL94-70; Polarstern; Professor Logachev; PS2439-2; PS2440-4; PS2441-3; PS2442-4; PS2443-2; PS2445-3; PS2446-4; PS2447-4; PS2448-3; PS2449-3; PS2452-2; PS2456-2; PS2458-3; PS2459-2; PS2460-3; PS2461-2; PS2462-3; PS2465-3; PS2466-3; PS2467-3; PS2468-3; PS2469-3; PS2472-3; PS2473-3; PS2474-2; PS2475-3; PS2477-3; PS2478-3; PS2480-2; PS2481-2; PS2482-3; PS2483-2; PS2484-3; PS2485-1; PS2486-2; PS27; PS27/001; PS27/006; PS27/007; PS27/014; PS27/016; PS27/019; PS27/020; PS27/024; PS27/025; PS27/027; PS27/030; PS27/034; PS27/038; PS27/039; PS27/040; PS27/041; PS27/043; PS27/047; PS27/048; PS27/049; PS27/050; PS27/052; PS27/056; PS27/058; PS27/059; PS27/060; PS27/064; PS27/065; PS27/067; PS27/068; PS27/069; PS27/070; PS27/071; PS27/072; PS27/073; Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North; QUEEN; RGC; see reference(s); SL; Susceptibility; Transdrift-I; van Veen Grab; VGRAB; Vilkitsky Strait
