Foraminifera isotopes, surface data

Autoria(s): Mulitza, Stefan; Niebler, Hans-Stefan

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -24.711093 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -14.324179 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -57.151700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -59.096700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 7.343330 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 17.364600 * DATE/TIME START: 1988-02-20T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1993-03-29T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 242 data points








Mulitza, Stefan; Dürkoop, Anke; Hale, Walter; Wefer, Gerold; Niebler, Hans-Stefan (1997): Planktonic foraminifera as records of past surface water stratification. Geology, 25(4), 335-338, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0335:PFAROP>2.3.CO;2


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #06MT15_2; Agulhas Basin; Amazon Fan; Angola Basin; ANT-IX/4; ANT-VI/3; ANT-VIII/3; ANT-X/4; ANT-X/5; ANT-X/6; Atlantic Indik Ridge; Atlantic Ridge; AWI_Paleo; Brazil Basin; Cape Basin; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Discovery Seamount; East Brazil Basin; Eastern Rio Grande Rise; Elevation of event; Equatorial Atlantic; Event label; GeoB; GeoB1000-1; GeoB1005-2; GeoB1014-2; GeoB1017-3; GeoB1027-2; GeoB1028-4; GeoB1029-1; GeoB1030-3; GeoB1031-1; GeoB1032-2; GeoB1033-2; GeoB1034-1; GeoB1035-3; GeoB1039-1; GeoB1040-3; GeoB1041-1; GeoB1046-2; GeoB1103-3; GeoB1104-5; GeoB1105-3; GeoB1106-5; GeoB1108-6; GeoB1111-5; GeoB1112-3; GeoB1113-7; GeoB1114-3; GeoB1115-4; GeoB1117-3; GeoB1203-2; GeoB1204-3; GeoB1207-2; GeoB1208-1; GeoB1209-1; GeoB1210-3; GeoB1215-1; GeoB1216-2; GeoB1217-1; GeoB1218-1; GeoB1220-2; GeoB1306-1; GeoB1307-2; GeoB1308-1; GeoB1309-3; GeoB1310-1; GeoB1311-2; GeoB1312-1; GeoB1313-1; GeoB1314-2; GeoB1315-2; GeoB1401-1; GeoB1402-7; GeoB1403-2; GeoB1404-8; GeoB1407-8; GeoB1413-1; GeoB1414-2; GeoB1415-1; GeoB1417-1; GeoB1418-1; GeoB1419-1; GeoB1501-1; GeoB1503-2; GeoB1504-1; GeoB1505-3; GeoB1506-1; GeoB1508-1; GeoB1511-6; GeoB1512-1; GeoB1513-2; GeoB1514-5; GeoB1515-2; GeoB1516-1; GeoB1522-1; GeoB1523-2; GeoB1701-2; GeoB1709-3; GeoB1711-5; GeoB1715-1; GeoB1716-2; GeoB1720-4; GeoB1721-4; GeoB1722-3; GeoB1726-1; GeoB1728-3; GeoB1729-1; GeoB2102-1; GeoB2104-1; GeoB2105-3; GeoB2106-1; GeoB2107-5; GeoB2109-3; GeoB2111-2; GeoB2112-1; GeoB2118-1; GeoB2119-2; GeoB2124-1; GeoB2125-2; GeoB2126-1; GeoB2130-1; GeoB2201-1; GeoB2202-5; GeoB2204-1; GeoB2205-4; GeoB2206-1; GeoB2207-2; GeoB2208-1; GeoB2213-1; GeoB2215-8; GeoB2216-2; Geosciences, University of Bremen; Giant box corer; GKG; Globigerinoides sacculifer, d18O; Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral, d18O; Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral, d18O; Gravity corer (Kiel type); Guinea Basin; Hunter Channel; Kongo delta; LATITUDE; LONGITUDE; M12/1; M15/2; M16/1; M16/2; M20/2; M23/2; M23/3; M6/6; M9/4; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; Meteor (1986); Meteor Rise; MIC; Mid Atlantic Ridge; MiniCorer; MSN; MUC; MultiCorer; Multiple opening/closing net; Namibia Continental Margin; Namibia continental slope; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, d18O; Niger Sediment Fan; Northern Rio Grande Rise; Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI; Polarstern; PS12; PS12/557; PS16; PS16/267; PS16/278; PS16/284; PS16/294; PS16/334; PS16/337; PS16/342; PS16/345; PS16/351; PS1654-1; PS1751-2; PS1754-2; PS1756-6; PS1759-1; PS1775-5; PS1776-6; PS1777-7; PS1778-1; PS1779-3; PS18; PS18/231; PS18/232; PS18/236; PS18/239; PS18/241; PS18/242; PS18/243; PS18/244; PS18/260; PS18/261; PS18/262; PS18/263; PS18/264; PS18/269; PS2075-3; PS2076-1; PS2080-1; PS2083-1; PS2084-2; PS2085-1; PS2086-3; PS2087-1; PS2102-1; PS2103-2; PS2104-1; PS2105-2; PS2106-1; PS21 06AQANTX_4; PS2110-1; PS22; PS22/755; PS22/835; PS22/838; PS22/840; PS22/841; PS22/842; PS22/850; PS22/851; PS22/852; PS22/853; PS22/879; PS22/899; PS22/902; PS22/908; PS22/947; PS22 06AQANTX_5; PS2230-1; PS2231-1; PS2237-1; PS2239-1; PS2240-1; PS2241-1; PS2242-1; PS2272-1; PS2336-1; PS2339-1; PS2341-1; PS2342-1; PS2343-1; PS2351-1; PS2352-1; PS2353-2; PS2354-1; PS2363-1; PS2366-1; PS2367-1; PS2368-1; PS2372-1; Shona Ridge; SL; South Atlantic; South Atlantic Ocean; Southwest Guinea Basin; Walvis Ridge; West Angola Basin
